Chapter Thirty Three.

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Hi :D

I'm in a really good mood today, I don't know why :D

So if you haven't noticed, I have a new book in my works! It's called Discovered, and It's a 5SOS fanfic! And I would really like it if you checked it out ^.^

And Happy Birthday Niall ^_^ he grows up so fast. I thought he was still 16 :) (sorry I'm like two weeks late:c )

So I have kinds started liking The Vamps....... so the song for this chapter is Wild Heart ;)

Oh and I also made a 1D/5SOS fan account on instagram! it's @hiorhey_1d_ !

and a shoutout to @5secof1Dx for following lol ∞

Stay Strong,




When I woke up, we were driving on a narrow road along a large lake. It was mid-afternoon about now, and the sun made it look like we were at a tropical paridise, but we were only in Northern Michigan. Now that I think about it, this is the farthest north I have ever been in my life.

There were no other cars driving beside us on the road, so it was great we got privacy after all we have been through. Finally, no more big cities and thousands of screaming girls.

The song changes on my phone. Grade 8 by Ed Sheeran immediately fills up my ears. This is one of my all time favorite songs, to be honest. I have a weird taste in music, I know.

Not a lot of people know about Ed Sheeran in America, but for me he is one of my favorite artists. It would be a dream to see him in concert.

A pair of warm arms wrap around my waist, startling me. I unplug my earbuds from my ears, and look up to see who it is. When I see that it was Harry, I immediately lean up and kiss him. He smiles, his dimples popping out.

" Miss me?" Harry commented, pulling me closer into his muscular chest, both of us looking out the window into the beautiful scenery outside. I wondered if this so-called 'Fester Boat Works' was as beautiful as this; I'm hoping we're close to it by now. By the looks of how low the sun is in the sky, I was probably asleep for atleast three hours.

" I always miss you, even if you're gone for five minutes," I laugh, realizing how cheezy that sounded. It was true, though, even if I'm afraid to admit it or not.

I turn around in my seat, and looked in the tour bus. The red and black theme made it look a bit boutique-y, but I never noticed how cool it looked until now. This part of the bus was the only place you could sit down and relax in the whole place, so I kind of claimed it as my own. The seats had a wavy red and black leather design etched on its leather surface, and the walls were pitch black. It gave the whole bus a cool, modern look.

I turn back around and look up at Harry, who is still admiring the scenery.

" Are we there yet?" I ask him, just like an annoying little kid. I am kind of tired of being cooped up on this bus. We have probably been in here more than anything else this summer.

" Yeah, we have, like, fifteen minutes," He says, smirking for some unknown reason. He wraps his right arm over my shoulder, and moves a strand of hair out of my face, just like he always does. I can't help but smile.

" Welcome to the great white North, Tara."



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