Steal my Heart

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Chapter 1

Felicity James

We left. Mom took one look at me when she came home from her business trip and told me to pack whatever could fit into one small duffel bag. Dad was sitting on the couch drunk into oblivion. I tip-toed past hoping he wouldn’t notice me. No such luck.

“Hey sweetheart, where are you going? Daddy needs some sugar.” He leered at me. I cringed and continued walking hoping he’d forget what he was going to do and keep drinking. I wasn’t sure what sugar was, but I didn’t want to stick around and find out. He grabbed my butt as I sprinted by, my hands shaking.

“Get in the car now.” My mothers stern voice commanded from behind me. I was happy to oblige. We got into her slick red Escalade and sped away from the house as fast as possible. We drove for hours only making one stop to buy concealer to try to cover up the worst of the bruises on my face, courtesy of my father.

Mom was a successful business women, traveling around the country managing some of the most successful actors, actresses, models and athletes in the world. Unfortunately that meant that she was never home and my alcoholic father spent all those years abusing me, physically and sexually. I have the bruises and scars covering my body to prove it.

We finally stopped the car at a small motel in Fairview, Connecticut.

“Tomorrow the house hunting starts.” My mother said without giving me a second glance.

“Mom, what about school?” I whispered timidly.

“I’ll figure it out tomorrow and we’ll try to find find a house a close to a high school as possible.

Chapter 2

Felicity James

I was woken roughly at 6, my body aching from my fathers beatings.

“Hurry up and get dressed, I found the school and a house up for sale only a mile and a half away from your new school. We are going to register you at Fairview High School and then I’m going to buy the house I will text you the information during the day and you will have to find your way home and fend for yourself for dinner I’m going to fly out this afternoon. I have to meet with Tom Brady to cover up some scandal.” She said this all in one breath and I was still trying to understand it when she snapped,

“Hurry up we don’t have all day.” I dressed quickly a pair of skinny jeans and a long sleeved shirt to cover the bruises. I pasted some of the cheap cover up over the worst of the bruises, brushed my hair and put some mascara on. I did a quick inventory on the stuff I was able to grab from my room before we left the house,

“I’m going to have to go shopping later” I thought to myself when I saw the meager clothes I was able to grab. I took one last glance around the shoebox of a hotel room before slipping out behind my mom.

When we pulled up to the high school my mouth dropped open. The place was huge. I counted 4 gigantic buildings, sprawling sports fields, and a huge parking lot filled with expensive looking cars. I took a deep breath and stepped out of the car.

“Try not to screw this up.” My mom called from the car.

“That’s great” I thought to myself. “No good luck or anything.”  I walked towards what looked like to be the main building and stepped inside. I looked around lost until I saw a door with the word office stenciled into it. I gratefully walked towards it when suddenly I found myself crashing to the floor.

“Oh god, I’m so sorry.” A male voice said grabbing my hand to help me up. I yanked my hands away and counted my breaths until I knew I wasn’t going to have a panic attack. I looked up and saw a pair of beautiful blue eyes staring down at me worriedly.

“Are you okay?” The guy said, “That was a pretty bad spill you took.”

“I’m fine.” I almost whispered standing up. He was gorgeous. He was huge and through his tight black t-shirt you could see his muscles, but his face seemed so soft, his brown hair flopping in his face.

“You look a bit lost, are you new here?” The guy asked softly interrupting my thoughts.

“Yeah I’m new, I’m just trying to find the office.” I whispered again.

“I’m Drew, what’s your name new girl?” he asked with a smile that could melt a glacier.

“I’m Felicity.” I mumbled.

“Well hello Felicity, the office is right through that door then hang a left. Are you sure your okay though?” He asked concerned.

“No I’m fine” I whispered brushing past him into the office.

Chapter 3

Drew Scott

The new girl is beautiful. She looked so lost when I picked her off the ground. She was so tiny her head barely reached my shoulder. Her hair was red and looked so silky, it took all my power not to reach out and run my hands through it. It was long too, almost down to her waist! When I reached down to help her up, she freaked out, it was like she thought I was going to hurt her, which is absurd. She has these big brown doe eyes and in them all I could see was suffering and pain. My mom always says the eyes are the stairway to the soul and all I could see in her soul was pain. It made me sad and want to help her. She had this gunk all over her face, like she was trying to cover something up, but it didn’t take away from her beauty.

“Yo man, what’s up” My best friend Cory said, “You seen the new girl yet, total babe.” He said in a perverted way. When Cory said that I couldn’t help feel enraged, then confused.

One, I have a girlfriend, a total babe of girlfriend who was awesome in bed and that was all that mattered, right? See Carly was the head cheerleader and I was the school quarterback, it made sense for us to be together, right? Two, the chick seemed to have a ton of emotional baggage and no guy wants that right? Wrong, I had said 2 words to the girl and already I’m falling for her.

“She’s mine, okay?” I commanded, my teeth clenched.

“Woah dude. You can’t have every girl in the school. You already have the head cheerleader, what more could you want?” Cory asked thoroughly confused by my weird behavior.

“I’m over Carly and she.” I was at a loss for words, I couldn’t sum up how amazing she was.

“She’s what dude. You spoke like 2 words to the girl and she’s already got you whipped.” Cory said in disbelief.

“I’m not whipped. She’s different and if any of you assholes flirt with her I will personally hunt you down and beat the living shit out of you. Pass that on, you hear me Cory.” I commanded through clenched teeth. Cory put his hands up in surrender,

“I got it, I got it.” He said walking away, “Whipped” I heard him mumble through his teeth. 

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