Chapter 5

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Felicity James

I woke up in an unfamiliar bed with a pounding headache. I sat up slowly my muscles aching from the bruises. I slipped the sweatshirt over on that I found at the foot of the bed and padded out of the room and down the stairs.

“How are you feeling?” A gentle voice asked and I jumped, “I’m sorry I didn’t mean to startle you.” Drew chuckled.

“Where am I?” I asked nervously.

“You don’t know where you are?” Drew asked incredulously and I shook my head nervously. “Do you know your name, how old you are, where you’re from and why your body is covered in bruises and scars?” Drew asked sitting down on the couch in the next room and motioning for me to join him. I sat tentatively on the edge of the couch and whispered,

“I’m Felicity James, I’m from London and I..” I stopped, “That is none of your business.”

“Please tell me. I’m begging you Felicity, angel, I’m trying to help you. I want to be with you, please let me help you.” Something about his eyes the way they were pained when he begged made me trust him.

“Okay” I spoke quietly and unsurely. Drew gave me a smile and I started my life story. “I was born and raised in London England, my mum is a successful agent, travelling all over the world, mostly to the states to work with athletes, actors and actresses. Unfortunately that left me home with my father for most of my childhood. Because of my mother’s job my father never had to work, so he stayed at home drinking. When I turned 5 he became an angry drunk, he began to beat me, at first it was just a box in the ears once or twice a day then it became full on beatings. One time when I was about 7, I came home from school very happy because I had gotten a good mark on a project. When I came in apparently I slammed the door to loud when I entered and he got angry. He beat me with a strap for hours, telling me if I cried he would slit my throat. He left me on the floor of my bedroom beaten and bloody until I was strong enough to get up and clean the cuts. Then when I hit puberty and got past the first couple awkward years, I became a bit prettier. My hair was getting long, my acne had cleared up and I became curvier. My dad started to sexually abuse me, telling me I owed him, that it was my fault he did this for years. He told me I getting to fat so he stopped feeding me, giving me only small amounts of money for school lunch. Then my mom came back after being gone for almost 4 months. She took one look at me, told me to pack my things and we left. Ever since my father sexually abused me I can’t be touched or I have a panic attack.” I told my whole story in one monotone voice trying not to show any emotion, looking at the far wall. “So yeah I think the doors over there you can leave if you want.” As I said this a couple tears slipped out of my eyes.

“Hey” Drew gently and slowly turned my face towards his, “I’m not leaving, I just got you, there is no way I’m letting you go.” He slowly dragged his finger across my cheek wiping away my tears.

“Why would you want me?” I asked, “I’m ugly, scarred, I can never give you what you want. I’m just a nobody.” I finished ashamed of who I am.

“No!” Drew exclaimed. “Not one word you just said was true. You are the most beautiful person I’ve ever met, you may be scarred but we can heal you and I will wait as long as you need. You are the most amazing, strong person I’ve ever met.” Drew said in complete earnestness. “We’re going to start slowly, and move carefully, I want to be your boyfriend, angel.”

“Okay” I replied nervously.

“Okay?” he asked.

“Okay, I’ll go out with you.” I agreed.

“Awesome” Drew commented with a smile that could charm a snake “But first you need food, you’re mom left money, saying that she would be back in 2 weeks. So we are going to go grocery shopping because you look like you need a good meal.” Drew said standing up and heading for the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2012 ⏰

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