Chapter 3

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Felicity James

I was able to make it through the rest of first period without speaking. Throughout the class I could feel everyone’s eyes on me so I just kept my head down using my hair as a veil. As soon as the class was over Drew sprinted out of the room like someone lit his arse on fire, I lingered waiting patiently for Kelsey who chatting her way around the room, finally I walked up to her,

“Hey Kelsey, if we don’t leave soon you won’t be able to show me where my locker and next period class is.” I asked a little bit more boldly than usual.  She looked a bit shocked by my outburst,

“Yeah sure c’mon, I think we’ll have time to get you to your locker and your next class.”  My locker was right next to the girls bathroom which was good and had plenty of space for my books. Kelsey had chatted on without pause all the way to my locker and on the way to my next class she peppered me with questions so fast I never had time to answer. My second period class was science and Kelsey had a free period. I walked into the classroom and surprise surprise Drew was sitting at the only empty lab station.

“Well Felicity it looks like the only empty space is next to Drew, so why don’t you go sit by him.” Mrs. Appleberry said kindly.

“Thank you ma’am” I responded quietly.

“Hey angel what’s up?” Drew asked flashing me his beautiful smile.

“My names Felicity, not Angel.” I mumbled.

“I know.” He responded cheekily. “Now what do I have to do to make you give me your beautiful smile?” He asked laying on the charm. I didn’t respond, instead I opened my book and tried to control my breathing so I didn’t have a panic attack in the middle of the classroom. Mrs. Appleberry saved me from any more conversation by starting the lecture. I had already studied this topic at my old school so I didn’t really have to pay attention. Instead I found myself thinking about Drew, the way he smiled at me with his hair flopping I his face looking so soft I wanted to reach out and touch it. Snap out of it Felicity I scolded myself. You could never be with him, you can’t even be touched without having a panic attack, you could never give him what he wants.

“So how should we do this thing?” Drew asked tearing me away from my thoughts.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention, what do we have to do?” I inquired.

“We have a project due next week and we have to choose a topic on this list but basically they are all about astronomy.” Drew stated.

“Okay you choose a topic I really don’t care then maybe we could work at lunch or something to get his done.” I suggested meekly.

“I can’t work at lunch the football team has practice all week, we have a huge game on Friday.” Drew said remorsefully. “Hey we can work at your house after school, oh wait damn, I have practice after school. What about after practice.”

“Umm yeah that sounds fine, can we work at your house?” I asked quietly.

“Sorry I don’t think that would be a good idea, my house is crazy. I have 4 sisters and 3 brothers and the twins have been driving me crazy lately, they’re a year old and won’t stop crying. What about your house?” He suggested helpfully.

“Ummm sure” I mumbled. The bell rang and he said

“Quick gimme your phone number and address so I know where you live.” I recited the address from my phone and gave him my number then walked over to where Kelsey was standing.

 Drew Scott

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