Chapter 2

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Felicity James


After my terrifying experience with Drew, I was able to make it to the office without anymore encounters. I chatted politely with the sweet grey haired secretary while filling out the new student forms.

“Here you are dearie, this is your class schedule and I took the liberty of calling my granddaughter here so she can show you your first period class because you’ve already missed most of homeroom.” She said with a smile holding out the schedule in a shaking hand.

“Thank you ma’am.” I said gratefully.

“You must be Felicity.” A cheerful female voice said from behind me. I jumped a bit and she noticed before plastering the huge smile back on her face.

“Yes that’s me. I’m Felicity” I mumbled quietly.

“Well I’m Kelsey and we have the same first period. Where are you from, I love your accent, I love your hair, do you play any sports, I cheer, do you cheer?” She rattled of each question so quickly that I didn’t have time to answer.

“I’m from London, thank you, I don’t play any sports, no I do not cheer and who is our first period?” I whispered quickly trying to get her to start talking again. It worked she prattled on about how our first period, English teacher was incredibly boring, I tuned out thankful that I was able to start out the day with one of my favorite classes.

When we got to the classroom, a middle aged blading man met us at the door.

“Well Kelsey so lovely for you to join us. Who is your friend?” He asked sneering condescendingly down at me.

“I’m Felicity” I whispered to the ground afraid to look up knowing all eyes were on me.

“What was that?” He asked that stupid sneer still plastered on his face, “I couldn’t hear you?”

“I’m Felicity” I whispered a bit louder.

“Well Felicity, where are you from, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself?” He asked.

“Can I just take my seat.” I mumbled feeling a bit like I was going to throw up.

“Why Felicity, is something wrong?” The horrible teacher asked feigning concern.

“I would just like to sit down.” I whispered again shooting a pleading look at Kelsey and thankfully she caught it,

“Felicity’s from London and she doesn’t play any sports, can we sit down now?” Kelsey asked bored.

“Of course, Kelsey take your seat and Felicity why don’t you sit up front next to Drew.”  I froze when I heard Drew’s name, just do it I thought to myself and scurried to the seat next to Drew. He flashed me a smile and before I knew what I was doing I flashed him a tiny smile back.
























 Drew Scott



I froze in my seat when I saw Kelsey enter with Felicity and then praised the lords silently, I could make my move on her here. My blood boiled when Mr. Jackass started torturing her like that. A blind person could’ve seen that she didn’t want to talk in front of anybody and he forced her to. Thank god for Kelsey, most of the time she was annoying, the way she never stopped talking, but today her chattiness saved Felicity. When Mr. Jackass assigned Felicity that seat it almost made me want to change his nickname to something nicer. Almost. I smiled at her carefully when she sat down, not wanting to scare her and she surprised me by slipping me a small smile. I thought my heart was going to stop, she was so beautiful, almost like an angel. I tuned out he rest of the lecture instead planning how I was going to break up with Carly without making a huge scene.

When the bell rang, I sprang out of my seat and was the first one out the door. Perfect I thought to myself as I saw Carly standing at my locker waiting for me.

“Hey babe” She called out to me seductively. “Come here” she said before smashing her lips against mine.

“Woah there Carly.” I said pushing her away from me, “We need to talk.” I said and she pouted. “I think we should break up.” I said pushing her up against the locker.

“Why we’re perfect together?” She whined

“I’m just not feeling it anymore Carly.” As I said that I realized I hadn’t been feeling it in a long time.

“C’mon Drew, you can’t be serious.” She whined in disbelief.

“Actually I am, now can you please move away from my locker so I can get my books.” I asked totally dismissing her. She gave me one last pleading glance as she walked away before a mob of her blonde bimbos crowded around her, trying to console her.

“This isn’t over Drew.” I heard her shot from behind me. But it was over and Felicity, my angel, was going to be mine.

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