4. curveball - lisa

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I wake up with a pain in my neck like I've never experienced before. Slowly, I open my eyes and realise that I'm definitely not in my room, but haven't moved since last night. I go to move and check my phone, until I realise that I have someone latching onto me. I look down and see that Chae is cuddled into my side, her head tucked into my waist and her arm draped over my stomach. My shirt has ridden up so I can feel her fingers on my stomach, giving my tingles throughout my body. I have my arm around her body, my hand caressing the small of her back over her jean jacket. Groaning from pain, I lift my arm and rub my eyes with the back of my hand, helping my eyes adjust to the light. My eyes are still puffy from all of last night's crying.

Last night I built up the courage to tell Chae that I'm gay. I didn't plan on telling her, but something came over me and it just happened. I actually wanted to tell her that I liked her, but froze and chickened out. Luckily, she noticed how nervous I was and realised what I was trying to tell her. I said I wouldn't cry after I cried telling Jisoo, but I couldn't help myself. Opening myself up like that to my best friend was overwhelming. But I did it, and everything went okay.

"Lisa," I hear Chae mumbling. I look down at her as she begins to stir and wake up.

"Good morning," I push her hair out of her face. Her eyes open and she turns her body a little to look up at me.

"Did we sleep here?" She asks, scooting up so her face is at the same level as mine. 

"Yeah," I chuckle softly.

"What time is it?" She yawns, stretching her arms. As I have mentioned, morning Chae is one of my favourite Chae's. So I smile as she begins to wake up properly. I pull out my phone and unlock it. 


"Well, you're not gonna be happy because we're late for school," I say calmly, hoping if I say it like that, Chae would also stay calm. Believe it or not, she did. Wow, I've changed her as a person. "And my Mom is gonna kill me," I say, scrolling through all of the texts people have sent me, and checking all of my missed calls. 

"Shit," the older girl says, sitting up. "We're so dead."

"Yep," I call my Mom back. She answers straight away and I pull my phone a little away from my ear as she starts to scream loudly at me. I don't really listen to her. I've heard the same speech over and over again. "Sorry Mom, Rosie and I are headed to school right now," I tell her, looking at Chae as she rings one of her parents. "I'll text you when I'm there," I hang up. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry we just lost track of time and fell asleep," Chae looks at me and smiles. Her parents are obviously not happy as I can hear her Dad from all the way over here. Our dear Miss Park Chaeyoung never skips school because her parents are quite strict about her getting good grades. So, right now her parents definitely don't like me. They've always liked me, so it'll pass. "Dad, we're both fine and going to school right now," Chae waves her hand, telling me to stand up so we can start walking to school. She walks to the entrance, still talking to her Dad, and I follow right behind her.

Whenever Chae walks she always swings her hips. It's unintentional and definitely not good for my imagination. It's so hot. Also, the fact that she chose to wear shorts yesterday is also not good for my imagination as I can see her perfectly round and peachy ass that I squeezed only a few days ago. God, how I wish I could do it again and again. 

"I'll see you later Dad," she hangs up her phone and I jog forward to link my arm with hers. "How did we fall asleep here?"

"Well, I was tired after all that crying so I could've fallen asleep literally anywhere," I laugh softly. She turns her head to face me and smiles.

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