12. my love - lisa [M]

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a/n: enjoy some awkwardly written smut.


The Next Weekend...

It's about nine o'clock at night and for the past few hours I've been trying to write this English essay, but it's just not working. I've written an introduction but that's about it. It's not as if I can't do it, I'm just extremely distracted - Chaeyoung's been away with her family for a short holiday in a different state so I haven't seen her, or heard from her in a while. They went to some cabin so she has no reception. I keep checking my phone to see if Chaeyoung has gotten reception and texted me so I haven't been able to just sit down and finish my homework for Monday.

As for our relationship, it's been great. I have never been so happy. Everyday I wake up and smile because I get to kiss the girl that I've wanted to kiss for years and years, and I get to call her my girlfriend - so yeah, it's been great. I may have freaked out a little when 'Drunk Chae' told me she wanted to marry me, but I've thought about it and there's no other person I would want to marry - just not right now, maybe in a few years

And then there's the sex thing. We talked last weekend about it. I feel better about it, but I'm still unbelievably nervous about it - I just don't want her to leave me because I don't make her feel good. And I know she said it's okay and that she'll teach me and she'll love me no matter what and 'blah, blah, blah'. It's just that I've loved her for so long and I've waited so long for us to become a thing that I don't want to fuck it up because I have no idea what I'm doing.

But Chaeyoung is great - she said she'd wait until I was ready. And I'll get there, I'll know when the time is right and it'll all fall into place. For now I best get this homework done. But God does not seem to be on my side - my phone buzzes and I flip it over quickly to see that it's Chaeyoung.

"Hey," I answer the Facetime call. When her face appears I can't help but smile when I see Chaeyoung sipping on a drink from McDonalds. She has a hoodie on - hood covering her head and her blonde hair poking out the sides - and glasses perched on her button nose. "Where are you?" I ask, noticing she's not in a cabin. I walk over to my bed and sit on it, a pillow perched between my bent legs.

"I managed to sneak out, I'm in a McDonalds," She tells me, gripping on to her paper cup with the sleeves of her hoodie covering her hands. "My parents will come looking for me soon, but I wanted to talk to you, I miss you."

"I miss you too, but you're coming back in two days," I hold up two fingers. "Uno, dos," I count them to her.

"Are you doing Spanish homework?" She giggles, covering her mouth with her hands after my moment of goofiness.

"No, I'm trying to get some English homework done but I keep getting distracted," I explain.

"By what?"

"You," I mumble in embarrassment.

"Dork, stop thinking about me for two hours and get your homework done. Miss Lee will have a heart attack if you don't hand it in," she scolds me. "Where have you got up to?"

"I've literally just finished the introduction."

"Lisa," she groans. "You need to stop thinking about me and start doing your homework."

"I can't help that I miss you and want to kiss you," I tell her, winking. "I think you should help me because you are the cause of all this."

"Do you want to see my work?" She asks. "You can go over to my place and send it to yourself."

"No, Chae it's fine," I shake my head, sitting up. I lean forward and perch my head on my hand.

"Lisa, if you haven't got it done now you're never going to get it done," she explains sternly watching me. "There's a key under the matt outside just go to my room and send it to yourself, just don't copy it word for word."

my love as deep as the ocean - chaelisaWhere stories live. Discover now