17. trust - lisa

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Last night Jennie and Jisoo got engaged, or at least I hope they did. Neither one of them contacted Chaeyoung or I, so I can only assume they got engaged and had great 'we're getting married' sex, so they had no intentions in talking to either one of us. But I can see the huge rock on Jisoo's finger from here, and I swear I am on the complete opposite end of the hall.

After taking a few books from my locker, I make my way over to the two older girls, who are in their own lovey-dovey world. "Kim Jisoo I would like to confirm your billing address because that rock on your finger has made me legally blind," I joke, standing in between them.

"I'm getting married!" Jisoo squeals, holding her hand closer to my face. And I swear for the first time in my life, Jisoo practically jumps on top of me to hug me excitedly. "I'm getting married, and you're not!"

"Jisoo, I think you're hugging the wrong person. As much as I know you'd rather marry me, you're actual fiancee is right there, shooting daggers towards me," I say with fear in my voice, Jennie staring me down as her fiancee squeezes the life out of me. She lets go and leans close to Jennie, so Jennie stops staring at me and looks lovingly at Jisoo. "And just because you got engaged first, doesn't mean you're gonna get married first. I think I'm just gonna elope with Chaeyoung."

"Where is Chaeyoung?" Jennie asks with furrowed brows. "You guys are usually annoyingly attached at the hip."

"She came into school early to practice for a gig she has tomorrow," I explain, looking around the hallway. The bell for our first class should be going soon, so she should be here getting her books ready. "She should be done by now."

"Is that her over there with Felix?" Jisoo points to a locker a couple of feet away from us.

I whip my head in that direction. "Who?" I ask, locking my eyes on my girlfriend who is laughing and talking with some guy I've never seen before.

"Felix, they work together," Jisoo explains. I don't really listen, though, because I can't tear my eyes off of my girlfriend, who is now hitting him playfully whilst laughing at some corny pick-up line that he probably told her to get into her pants. And by her pants, I mean the pants that I own and the pants that only I can get into. "Lisa, don't go over there, they're probably just talking."

"Look at him, he wants to fuck her," I exclaim angrily. "He wants to fuck my girlfriend!" I start to walk over to them.

"Don't be an idiot, Lisa!" I hear Jennie yell at me, but I choose to ignore her and continue to walk over, creating a plan to get this Felix guy away from my Chaeyoung.

Confidently, I stride over to Chaeyoung and position myself so I can push her against the locker (but not to aggressively because my baby is precious and I don't want to hurt her). Placing my hands on the lockers, on either side of her head, I kiss her, not giving her enough time to react. In my peripheral vision I can see Felix standing uncomfortably, his eyes darting around.

As I'm looking over at Felix, I can feel Chaeyoung pushing me away, her hands on my chest. "Good morning, Lisa," she says, a clear anger in her voice from embarrassing her. "This is Fe-"

"Do you want me to walk you to class?" I ask, ignoring the boy standing next to us.

"I think I'm gon-" Felix starts talking.

"No, don't go," Chaeyoung looks at the boy and stops him from walking off. "This is my girlfriend, Lisa," she introduces him to me. "Lisa, this is Felix."

He holds out his hand awkwardly for me to shake. I push myself off the lockers and face the taller boy. I look at his hand and choose to ignore it, instead wrapping my arm tightly around Chaeyoung's waist.

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