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"ah.. aH.. AGH THATS HURTS TAE!!" I squealed as I jumped up and jumped around the room.
"Blue! I need to clean it!" Taehyung laid his head on the side of the bed while laughing into the pillow.
"But it hurrrttss!!" I laughed while in pain.
He sighed and strolled after me. Placing his around my waist he lifted me off my feet and laid me onto his bed.
"Stay still." I growled playfully as he grabbed the rubbing alcohol and poured the onto a napkin.
I squirmed as he gingerly placed it onto my leg.
"Ah- Ahh- Tae! Ahh-,"
"It won't hurt in a second just be patient,"
"Tae!! It's hurrtts!" I tried squirming my legs out from under him.

"Uhm, Namjoon what are they doing?"

Taehyung looked over to the door. Namjoon and Jungkook were talking outside of Taehyung's room.

"Ah-! Taehyung!!!" I squealed as he poured a bit more rubbing alcohol onto the napkin to disinfect it better.

"Uhm... I-is that Blue? In there-?" Namjoon stuttered.

Taehyung pinned my arms down and covered my mouth.
"Shut it." He growled.

The door opened to reveal Namjoon, Jimin and Jungkook stood, looking disturbed and confused.

"It's not what it sounds like.. or- l- looks like."
Taehyung quickly jumped off of me and I squirmed away, holding my leg.
Namjoon sighed in relief.
"I don't even want to know." Jimin laughed.

"I- I was just trying to clean her c-,"
The door slammed shut and we could hear Jimin and Jungkook laughing.

"...come here." Taehyung patted the space in front of him and sighed. Pulling out a first-aid kit from his drawer, he placed a large plaster over the cut and bandaged it up.

"I'm sorry." I looked up into his eyes,
"Haha, don't worry. I don't think it will be that big of a deal anyway." Taehyung laughed as he placed the last bit of tape over the bandage. "I think Suga and Jhope will have finished cooking now anyways,"
He jumped up out of the bed and offered me he hand to get up.

We both walked down the stairs to see all of the guys sat around the table eating, all of their heads turned as soon as we got to the bottom.
"So. You two are a thing huh." Seokjin said, slowly scooping noodles into his mouth.

"W-what?! No!!" We both said in unison.
"Hmm. I don't care you know. You just have to keep the noise down."
"No! We aren't, Kim Seokjin!" I growled as I sat down next to Jungkook who was laughing his head off at this whole situation.
Taehyung buried his head in his hands and laughed. His face had gone a bright red colour.
"Mhm. I'll talk to you later Dokgo Blue." He said sternly.
"Seokjin! I told you! We don't have a thing!" I laughed, embarrassed.
"Well why were you moaning! In Taehyung's room!" He shouted, with his mouth full of food.
I broke down laughing and so did Jungkook and Taehyung.
"I told you. I'm talking to you and Taehyung after we have eaten."

After we ate, Taehyung and I both explained to Jin that he was just patching up my cut. He ended up making us both do the dishes, honestly though I found this whole situation so funny but Taehyung was so embarrassed by it all. I mean, I was a bit but I laugh at everything. Laughing is my coping mechanism. Embarrassed? Sad? Mad? Feel like you are going to break down into tears? Just laugh. That's how I work.

*Knock Knock*

"I'll get it!" Jungkook ran over to the door and swung it open. It was the police.
"Hello, we are here to talk to you about the situation that happened today."
Jungkook looked back and me and Taehyung who were washing the pots and back at the cops.
"Ah. O-one second."
Jungkook said in English then turned around but one of the cops grabbed him by the shoulder.
"No, sorry, we need to talk to you now."
"I- I, bad English." Jungkook stammered.
"Namjoon! The cops are here! We need you for a second." I shouted up the stairs to him. The cops were confused at what I just said and I ran  back over to Taehyung to carry on doing the dishes.
Namjoon ran down the stairs while trying to the buttons up on his pj shirt.
"Ah, sorry. They can't speak English very well. What's the matter?" He panicked.
"Ah, ok. Sorry about that." The cop said as he let go of Jungkooks shoulder. They both walked in and sat down on the sofa.
"So, you are all Musicians aren't you? If I am correct?" One of them questioned.
"Y-yes. We have a couple of concerts to do asw- ."
The police cut him off before he could carry on.
"You can't continue with your concerts until, preferably, next month. We still have to find all of the criminals that were involved with this incident."
"Oh. O-ok." Namjoon stuttered.
Next month was meant to be our month of to prepare for the rest of the concerts and travel
The two police and Namjoon continued to discuss what was going to be happening. I looked over to Taehyung as we both finished.
"Are you ok?" I laughed, placing my hand on his burning cheek.
"Not really. I'm pretty embarrassed." He looked down at the floor and laughed.
"Awh don't be embarrassed you little puppy!"
He looked up at me.
"What? Why am I a puppy?" He laughed, his face got warmer.
"Eh. I don't know, don't ask." I laughed.
"I'm gonna go chill in my room, wanna come?" I placed my hand back into my pocket and looked back into Tae's sparkling eyes.
"Will Yoongi mind?"
"Meh, I doubt it. Jungkook! Are you coming too?"

"HELL YEAH!" He shouted while grabbing my arm and running up the stairs.


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