Balcony Boy (26)

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"Some people just can't sing." I say to Jake, shaking my head as another drunk hotel guest steps up for the karaoke. It's 8 o'clock in the evening and both our families are sat around a table, empty pint glasses littering the surface. My family can drink for a while before the alcohol starts to take any effect, I can't say the same for Jake's family.

Jake's mum and dad stumble up to the stage and request 'Summer Nights' from Grease, I see Jake grimace and hide his face in Maddy's hair as she sits on his knee, cheering her parents on. My family try to contain their laughter, but when the duet starts and Jake's parent are, to put it kindly, not quite blessed in the vocal department, they begin to giggle, still cheering.

"They do this every time." Jake mutters into Maddy's hair.

"It could be worse." I say with a shrug of my shoulders.

"It could?"

I think for a moment, "Yeah, no, you're right this is pretty bad." I say, laughing.

Once the song ends, one of the hotel staff walks on stage. "We're going to take a short break from karaoke now, but don't worry, it'll be back, we just want to put two last songs on for the kids so you can get them to bed." He smiles before handing the mic to another hotel entertainer as he calls all kids to the dance floor. Jake lifts Maddy off of his knee and stands her up.

"Right, off you go Mads."

"Come with me." She says, grabbing his hand and attempting to pull him up from his chair.

He sighs, a pained expression on his face. "Fine." He stands slowly, unable to say no to his sister, "But only if Amber comes too."

Maddy turns her adorable face to me, eyes wide in question. I don't say anything; I just stand.

All three of us make our way to the dance floor, Jake and I standing out among the crowd of 3-7 year olds. 'Baby Shark' plays over the speakers, two hotel staff stepping up to the stage and showing the kids the actions. I don't even need to look at them; I know every last move.

I look to my right, and by the looks of it, so does Jake. "What's your excuse for knowing the actions, Bloom? I have a little sister." He smirks as he notices my hands moving in perfect time to the music.

"I am a woman of many talents, Jake."

"Don't I know it." He replies, giving me a lopsided smile.

Baby Shark ends and the familiar tune of the Cha Cha Slide comes on. I look to Jake, eyes wide with a broad smile. "Oh my God."

"What a banger. Reckon you still know the moves, Bloom?"

"The song literally tells you what to do, how could I forget?"

The three of us hold hands, Maddy in the middle and me and Jake either side, as we slide from right to left, following every move as it comes. We dance the whole thing through, then return to our table.

Jake's mum and dad stand, unsteady at first, but they soon regain balance. "Right, we best put this little one to bed, and I think it's probably time for us to call it a night as well. You've got the spare key haven't you, love?" Jake's mum says, hand stroking through Maddy's hair affectionately.

"Yeah I've got it." Jake confirms, patting his pocket.

"We'll join you, it's probably time for us to go as well. Here you go, Amb, don't stay up too late." My mum says, standing and handing me the spare key.

"I won't." I promise, smiling, taking the key and tucking it in the pocket of my shorts.

Me and Jake sit at the table and watch our families leave. Jake reaches over and grabs my hand with his, rubbing his thumb across the back of my hand as the karaoke starts up again. I lay my head on his shoulder, content.

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