{ Epilogue }

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5 Years Later:

"Don't talk to me."

"Bloom, come on you can't-"

"Jake, I don't want to talk to you right now." I say, cutting him off.

Jake laughs in disbelief and I glare at him, shutting him up immediately, his Adam's apple bobbing as he swallows. "You can't be serious."

"I just- I can't look at you right now." I walk away from him, leaving the kitchen and instead sitting on our couch, turning my attention to the TV.

I hear him sigh from the kitchen before he rounds the corner, leaning against the doorframe and looking at me, hands in the pockets of his pyjama bottoms, his chest bare.

Keeping my eyes glued to the TV, I refuse to look at him as he stands and watches me. "Amber-"



He pushes off the doorframe and makes his way over to the couch but I shake my head and pull my legs up to my chest, resting my chin on my knees and wrapping my arms around my legs.

"You can't seriously be mad at me over this." He says with a small smirk, kneeling on the floor in front of me.

"I have every right."

He sighs and drops his head, "It was a dream, Amber."

"And in that dream you cheated on me."

He starts to laugh and I punch him in the arm.

"Amber." He places his hands on either side of my face and I look at the ceiling, refusing to meet his eyes. "Amber, look at me."

After a moment or two, I give in and lower my gaze.

"I love you." His thumbs stroke my cheeks gently. "And I would never cheat on you. Ever. Okay? Not in a million years."

"I know." I mumble quietly. "I love you too."

"What- What was that?" He asks with a smile, turning his head so that his ear was right next to my mouth.

I giggle and blow in his ear, causing him to flinch back immediately, rubbing his ear against his shoulder.

"You little-" He lurches forwards and begins to tickle my waist, making me scream, trying to claw away from him.

"Jake! Jake, stop, I can't- AHHH."

I collapse into uncontrollable giggles and Jake cuts me off with a kiss. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

"I. Love. You." He says in between kisses, trailing them from my mouth, to my jaw, to my neck. He picks me up, my legs around his waist.

"I love you too." I reply, running my fingers through his hair.

"So we're still on for the aquarium today?"

I smile and nod, touching the ring Jake gave me the first time we went an aquarium together. I haven't stopped wearing it since the holiday we met and I still love it.

He puts me down on the floor and kisses my nose, "Better get ready then." He slaps my arse as I walk past and I turn around to smack his chest as he follows me into our bedroom.


We arrive at the aquarium and Jake stops the car and unbuckles his seatbelt. I do the same and reach for the door handle. "Don't open your door." He says to me, holding an arm out.

"What? Why?"

He smiles, "Just don't open the door."

I watch as he gets out and jogs around the front of the car, opening my door for me with a flourish. "Really? You made me stay in the car just so you could do that?"

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