Wakiya x Blind reader

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Requested By: N/A


You were blind for as long as you can remember.

Never did you actually mind it though, because you always had someone with you.


"So whats your name?" You heard someone ask you.

"(Y/N)..." you say.

"I'm Wakiya!" He said, and put his hand out for you to take.

"Hey are you going to shake my hand or not." Wakiya said harshly.

"I'm sorry but I'm blind so I didn't know... sorry." You said sadly.

"Blind?" He asked.

"Yeah I can't see anything." I toled him.

"That's bad..."You could hear the the sadness in his voice, and if you could see his face, there would've probably been a a frown on his face.

"Wait I got an idea." Wakiya took your hand and pulled you up.

You were surprised, yet you let the boy drag you along.

"I will be your eyes!" He yelled.

"I will tell you and explain how everything looks! So you can 'see' the world a little beater then what your imagination see it as!" He yelled/said. You were surprised, not in a bad way of course, this was the sweetest thing anyone has ever down for you.

You felt a warm liquid run down your face and you touched them.

"Are you crying (Y/N)?" You felt his hand touch your check. it was warm, unconsciously you put your hand on his.

"Thank you..." You said to him.

"...No problem!" He said happily.


Wakiya and you decided to celebrate your anniversary of being friends for ten years. All theses years he keepet that promise.

He explained how everything looked and he could tell it with so much excitement, it made you the most happiest person ever!

The doorbell rung, because he came to pick you up at home.

"(Y/N)?!" Wakiya asked/yelled when we enter your house.

"Hi!" You yelled back to him.

You heared him open the door to your room and you felt him grab your arm, for some reason your heart sped up.

It didn't do that before, you held hands all the time because he had to lead you, so why did it speed up now?

You shrugged it off and sqeused his hand.

You felt him sqeused back and a small chuckle escape his lips.

A smiled formed on your lips and you walked a little closer towreds Wakiya.

"Hey Wakiya...I've been wondering...you always tell me how things looks, but you never toled me what you look like..."I said.

"I don't really know how I look, besides from being handsome that is." Wakiya said with a big smile. You giggled and ruffled his hair.

"Maybe...I know you got soft hair thats kinda spiky...your checks are warm and cuddly." I said as I touch his face.

"And you're not in bad shape ether." You smiled when your hand sqeused his arm.

Wakiya was a blushing mess unknown to you.

suddenly you felt his hand on your check as well.

"Guess its my turn, you've got long, soft, shinny hair, your face is just so cute and soft as well, your smile makes me melt...but I guess I shouldn't be talking about your body, or I'd be a perv."Wakiya laughed and you nod.

"Tell me more." I toled him.

"E-Eh...you got a nice figure?"Wakiya said well more like asked.

Is that sarcastic?" You asked him.

"No! I m-mean, you got a good body! W-Wait I didn't mean it that way,I-I-" You cut him off.

"I was just kidding."You said. Wakiya pouted and turned around.

"Shut up!" He joked. You giggled and give him a hug.

"Wakiya thank you. When I'm with you I feel like I can see the world." You said to him.

He hugged you back placing his chin on your head.

"...Hey (Y/N)?" He asked you.

"Hmm" I hummed.

"If I toled you I like you, what would you say?" Wakiya asked you.

You felt your cheeks heat up and buried your face in his chest.

"I'd ask what kind of like." You said.

"...I'd tell you love, like." He answered.

"Then I would say...Yes!" You felt your hart racing, and you could feel his heart speeding up as well.

"Can I kiss you?" Wakiya asked you.

With out thinking you said 'yes' and a second later you felt soft pressure on your lips he kissed you and of course you kissed him back.

The End

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