Fubuki x little sister Reader

384 16 7

Reqused by: @ScorchedThomas2922

A/N: This is one of my favorite one because of how awesome this is. Sorry if this isn't what you liked/asked for but I hope you enjoyed it. If any of you have question about this chapter please let me know.


*Reader POV*

"The us looks awesome!" Captain said as we were looking out to the see.

I took my bag out and open it to take my camera Fubuki give to take a picture so I can draw it later. I also moved my Pikachu plush out to carry.

"This is perfect! I can't wait to draw this!" I shouted. Captain, Aiger and his sister looked at me.

"Hey! (Y/N) you said that Fubuki moved here right?" Aiger asked me.

"Yes! Wh- OH MY OH MY OH MY!!! I'm gonna see big bro!" I yelled so loud that a certen someone come out from the back of the boat.

"Can you please be quite (Y/N)." Suoh said sweetly. I felt so scared I moved closer to Aiger and his sister. That's when my Pikachu plush started to move. It moved in front of me and stared to spark.

"S-sorry. I just got excited." I shakly said.

"Hey how about we go look around?" Captain said.

"And we will take (Y/N) with us." Aiger's sister said as she looked at me.

-Time Skip-

"This place is hug!" We all said after getting off of the boat.

"Yeah This perfect." I took my ketch pad out and stared to draw some people that walked by us.

"I have a question (Y/N)? Why do you always get scared when Suoh is in the same room as you?" Aige's sister asked me.

"It wasn't all like that but, one day he changed."


"Hey Suoh. How are you?" I asked when he came to school.

"Never mind me sweet (Y/N) everything is plan and it's going to work."

He walked past me after that. I got this bad vibe from him too. Oh no.

It was the end of the school day when I was making my way to the gym to watch practice. As you can tell I don't blade I perfuer something calming unlike my bro.

Before I made it to the door some one stopped me.

"Oh hey Suoh How are you?" I asked. He had his hair flippede to the other side/ Under his eye it was some red-ish mark that  I've never seen before.

 He had his hair flippede to the other side/ Under his eye it was some red-ish mark that  I've never seen before

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(Just in case you have know idea on what I'm talking about ^)

"I'm going to destroy Fubuki and his Emperor Forneus and there is nothing you can do to stop me." After he said that he left and I went home feeling 'sick'

-Flashback Ends-

"And that is why I'm so scared of him. I feel like he will and I don't want something bad to happen to him." I was crying now.

"Hey, it's fine we can protect you." Aiger's sister said with a smile on her face.

"And you have that Pikachu plush which is awesome by the way." Aiger said as he and the others but me in a hug.

"Douse Fubuki know?" Captain asked me.

"No, He dousen't know because I didn't know what Suoh would do if I did." I said sad and scared.

"Well when you feel cofadent you should tell him." Captain told me. I nodded.

"Hey have you seen him?" Aiger asked a girl. His sister showed her of Fubuki.

"Oh, you mean Fubuki? Yeah he at the raging bulls gym. Why?" The girl asked us.

"We wanted to surprise him.'' I said to her.

"Wait you look like him but, you have (E/C)." She said kinda shocked.

"Yeah he my older brother." I said proud.

"Okay follower me." We followed the girl to a small but nice looking building.

I took a picture of it so I can draw latter back at the boat.

We enter the building and we see so many kids battling and on the back wall there was a rollicking wall were we saw Fubuki.

"Hey Fubuki!" I yelled. He looked behind him to see us waving.

He jumped back down and he walked to us.

"Big bro look look at what I drew during the battle cruse." I said to him as I opened my sketch book to show him.

"Those are awesome (Y/N)." He said.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Before we do anything (Y/N) as to say something to you." Captain said as he drags the reset outside.

"Ii-its about Suoh." I stated.

After telling him everything he was furious.

"I'm so sorry you had to go though that but I'm glad that Pikachu plush is doing its job." Fubuki said.

"H-How did  y-you know about that?" I questioned him.

"Oh, no big deal. Shu give it to you. And before you ask I knew because he told me about it." He explained.


-Time Skip-

"SO you are joining us after all." Aiger said as he see Fubuki and me abouding the boat.

"Yes I was on the fence but two things made me come. 1. Being Shu saying that I am good anuf and 2. My sister." He said to us.

-Time Skip-

"I challenge you Suoh to a match."

"If you have to Fubuki."

After a while Big bro did win.

"You will leave (Y/N) alone and if you have any problems you will deal with me!" Fubuki told Suoh.

"Fine whatever." Suoh left us alone.

"Hay bro look at this drawing I did." I showed him the newest one. It was a full color drawing of us and Emperor Forneus.

"I love it sis.''

The End!

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