Chapter 14

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It wasn't until after sunrise Quasimodo returned to the Cathedral. He made his way up to the bell tower with a spring in his step for he was so happy with what he had done and was eager to tell Sapphira all about it. Although part of him felt disheartened since it was more than likely she would return to the Court of Miracles and he had come to like her being with him even if it has only been a day but despite how he felt he owed it to Sapphira for all the kindness she had shown him. Once he had made it to the top of the bell tower he was surprise to find the bed was empty and Sapphira was no where to be found.

"Sapphira?!" he called out hoping she was just somewhere else in the bell tower but when she didn't come into view he started to get worried.

"Sapphira?!" he called out again as he started searching around the upper level of the bell tower, unknowingly walking passed an unconscious Moshi lying on the floor.

He searched every inch of the bell tower calling out Sapphira's name but still couldn't find her so he continued his search around the rest of the Cathedral, starting with the outside portion. With great balance and agility he climbed all over the outer walls of the Cathedral looking for the young gypsy girl. He called out her name over and over again and each time he did his tone became more desperate for he began to worry for Sapphira's safety. Having no luck outside he focussed on the inside of the Cathedral, in the main chapel.

"SAPPHIRA?!" he cried, his voice echoed throughout the room but it was all for not and Quasimodo realised Sapphira was no longer inside Notre Dame.

He was so desperate to know what had become of her that he went to find the one person who would know where she was and that person was Archdeacon Frollo.


He entered Frollo's quarters without knocking to find him praying before the big crucifix inside of his room, surrounded by candles.

"Come in Quasimodo" said Frollo emotionlessly, Quasimodo approached him.

"Father...where is the gypsy? Where is she?" he panted trying to catch his breath.

"You used the Printing Press" Frollo stated showing no regards for Quasimodo's question

"I needed to" he replied

"You broke the law" Frollo stated emotionlessly.

"I had to, she's innocent. Where is she?" asked Quasimodo desperately for an answer.

"You violated my most sacred law" stated Frollo, this time showing the slightest bit of anger in his tone.

"Please, where is Sapphira?" Quasimodo asked desperately once again.

"On her way to the gallows" answered Frollo.

The statement left Quasimodo stunned, he made his way over to the window, which had a clear view of the square, to see a crowd gathering around the gallows once again. Sapphira was no where to be seen but he could see the Hangman's assistants preparing the noose. The poor bellringer lowered his head with sadness and despair before turning back to Claude Frollo, who was still kneeling in front of the crucifix in prayer as if nothing of importance was going on around him. He made his way back to where he was before and looked at his father figure with a piercing stare:

"You gave her up to the King, why?" he asked

"For justice" said Frollo emotionlessly.

" She is not guilty" stated Quasimodo desperately.

"She is evil" Frollo stated gruffly.

His statement made Quasimodo so disheartened he began to cry and sob desperately for he felt he had failed the woman he cared about more than anything else in the world.

"LORD HELP HER!" he cried as he lowered his head placing both hands over his ears.

Frollo turned to look at Quasimodo for the first time since he had entered his quarters, gently he placed his hand under Quasimodo's chin and raised his head slowly to reveal Quasimodo's face was red and his eyes were filled with tears. Seeing his adopted son in that state made Frollo feel the slightest bit of guilt for a moment before his face became devoid of emotion once again.

"Quasimodo, she caused the ministers death" he stated before turning his eyes away from Quasimodo.

"She made me do it. The madness in my body. She created it. She made me a murderer and for that she must die" he continued.

When those words passed through his lips Quasimodo's face dropped very slowly for he was beyond shocked that the man he had considered his 'Father' for over twenty years could go so far as to murder someone and then frame an innocent woman, especially the woman he had fallen in love with.

"She...should die for your crime? Have you no pity?" asked Quasimodo showing the slightest bit of anger before his face became neutral.

"Pity, pity. Oh Quasimodo, pity me. To be a man of God and to love a woman and to love her more than God. To love her with all the fury of my soul and to feel that I would give my blood, my reputation, my salvation, my immortality, eternity, for the least of her smiles" said Frollo in a despairing tone, as he spoke he got up on his feet and stepped away from the crucifix until he stood in the middle of the room. Quasimodo observed his actions and kept himself a fair distance away from him.

Frollo began to passionately speak of his lust for Sapphira and how much pain and torment it was causing him evers since he first saw her and even questioned Quasimodo if he could endure these type of feelings too.

"Why do you think I do not know of such things? Has your search for the light made you blind?"

Frollo disregarded his question and went on to openly blame Sapphira for his suffering. He even tried to justify his crimes and begged Quasimod to pity him.

"You are pitiable but I have no pity for you. You are not St Augustine. Yours is a torment you take for yourself and can end by choice" was all Quasimodo could offer Frollo whilst holding him in a comforting embrace. He then made the sign of the cross before kissing Frollo on the head.

"Come, we will tell the story in the hall of justice" he said calmly whilst helping Frollo to his feet but Frollo had other ideas.

"NO!" he exclaimed as he pulled himself away from Quasimodo, causing him to almost lose his footing, he then grabbed the cat of nine tails he kept as part of his 'discipline' and held it threatening manner.

"I will be rid of her" he said before striking Quasimodo on the head with the whip. Quasimodo fell to the floor in pain and when he looked up at Frollo blood started pouring from under his hair.

"I WILL!" said Frollo three times over, striking poor Quasimodo each time.

"She's cursed you too. She has made us both murderers. Fool do you think that she could love you?" said Frollo with a sinister chuckle.

"Father" said Quasimodo in distortion from the strikes he took to the head.

"I am not your Father. Your Father was wiser than I. He abandoned you. He left you to die, it was I who gave you life. You are, a freak" said Frollo aggressively.

He went to strike Quasimodo again but he had managed to get back on to his feet to stop Frollo and knocked the whip from his hand.

"I am not a freak!" said Quasimodo with bravery as he looked Frollo in the eyes.

With nothing more to say to his 'father' Quasimodo proceeded to drag Frollo from his room and up the stairs towards the bell tower.

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