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Are you a twin? Do you know any twins? Well I do. I am a twin to be exact. I also happen to be daughter to one of the greatest spies in the world. My sister and I are spies in training. We go to an all girls private school. It also happens to be a school for spies, hence us being spies in training. The school is called Gallagher Academy For Exponential Young Women. Who am I? I am Callie Grace Morgan, daughter of Rachel Morgan and Mathew Morgan. My twin sister is Cameron Ann Morgan. Also known as Cammie or Cam. Well that is if we aren't on a mission. Then her code name is chameleon. Today is the start of the new school year. What does that mean? Well let me tell you. It means new students that aren't smart enough to do as told, students who have been here a year or longer coming back, dealing with drama, cool summer stories, etc. I'm sitting here not sure I'm ready for my sophomore year. It really is not something I'm looking forward to. "Hey Cal!" Cam calls walking over. I look up at my twin. "What is it?" I ask. "You ready for this?" She asks. "Not particularly. You?" I answer. "Nope. I'm pretty sure this year is going to be totally different." She says. I laugh a little. "It's our sophomore year. Of course it will be different. Let's just hope it's not to much different." I say. She smiles and sits next to me. "Fooling teachers will be fun." She says. "That is if we can. They have known us for three years now. Plus spend a few weeks before school starts around us. It is going to be harder this year." I say. She sighs. "True." She says. Suddenly there is yelling throughout the halls. "Well it's starting." I groan. "Yep." She says. She lays down on the floor and groans. I look down at her. "Do you think Bex and Liz are here yet?" I ask. "Possibly." She says. "Wanna go find them?" I ask. "To late. We found you." Bex says. I look up as her and Liz come walking this way. Cam and I stand up and hug the two. "Well the team is back together." I say laughing some. "Yeah. Let's go to our room." Bex says. We leave the hidden room and head up the stairs. We get to our room and the two unpack. "How was your summer?" Bex asks us. Cam groans. "Had to spend the summer at Grandma and Grandpa Morgan's ranch." Cam whines. I laugh at her some. "Oh lighten up. It wasn't that bad." I say. She rolls her eyes. "Let's go. We should probably get down there." She says. We all head out of the room and down the grand stairs to the foyer. "It's about supper time. Let's go." Liz says. We laugh at her and go to the Grand hall. We take our seats as others walk in and sit as well. "So I hear we are having a new CoveOps teacher. Do you know who it is?" A girl named Tina Walters asks. "No. I didn't know we was." Cam says. "What about you Callie?" She asks. "Sorry Tina. Mama didn't tell me either." I say. In all honesty we are actually telling the truth. "What? How can neither of you know anything? Your headmistress' daughter." She says. I roll my eyes and sigh. "We aren't told everything you know." I say. A little to much annoyance shows in my voice. She goes back to her friends clearly sensing it. "So who do you think the new teacher is? Anyone your mom might have asked that you know?" Liz asks. I shrug. "No clue." I say. "Actually I know. He knows my father." Bex says. We all turn to her shocked. She doesn't seem to care that we are all looking at her. "Name?" Cam asks. "Joe. Joe Solomon. He I an ex CIA agent. He has done work with my dad before." She says. "Well then." I say. The room goes quiet as mama walks through the huge doors into the grand hall. All twenty teachers with her. I'm confused to only see one new face. "The only new face is Mr. Smith." Liz says confused. "He I most likely late. My dad was flying him in." Bex says. We all give her a look. "Really?" We say at the same time. Mama silences everyone.
After supper
So our new CoveOps teacher flirted with mama whenever he showed up. It is something I didn't think any guy had the guts to actually do. I mean yes mama is gorgeous but still. Anyone that knows she is an ex CIA agent knows not to flirt with her. The worst thing is she didn't even care. Me, Cam, Bex, and Liz are sitting here in our room. This really sucks. "You all saw mom and Mr. Solomon right?" Cam asks. "Yeah." We all say. "I'm afraid to know what that is about." Bex says. "Yeah no kidding. She is our mother." Cam says sitting up. I look up at them. "What if they are a thing?" I ask. We all shiver at the thought. "We have to look into this Joe Solomon guy. He is either good or bad. If your mother gets caught up with him it could ruin the school." Liz says. "Okay. Can you hack into the CIA database and research him?" Cam asks. Liz's face dulls if possible. "Cammie are you forgetting who I am?" She asks. "Okay I asked for that one." She says. Liz pulls out a laptop and starts to go to work. We sit here patiently waiting. She squeals and we all jump up. We crowd around her and look at the screen. "It says he just retired from the CIA to come teach here after being called directly by your mother. She hand picked him specifically for the teacher position." Liz says. "Wow! That means she knows his right?" Bex asks. "Yes. On down it says that they worked several undercover missions together as well as Intel retrieval missions." Liz says. "Whoa. That is news to me. Mother never said anything about him." Cam says. "Yeah. I just hope he doesn't mean bad news. He may have been in the CIA but he could still be bad. We need to keep an eye on him. We all have him for CoveOps so it won't be to hard. If he gets to close to mama we need to keep them from becoming anything more." I say. "We agree." Cam says. "Well this is going to be a tough mission. He is a trained spy, your mother as well. This is not going to be easy one bit." Liz says. Cam, Bex, and I smile. "When is the life of a spy ever easy?" I ask. "Right. We live for the tough missions." Cam says. She holds her hand out. "All of us in?" She asks. I put my hand on hers. "I'm in." Bex then puts hers on mine. "Me too." We look at Liz. "What do you say Liz?" Bex asks. She slowly puts her hand on ours. "I'm in." She says. We smile. "Sisterhood forever." Cam says. "Sisterhood forever." We repeat. "Get some rest. Classes start tomorrow." Bex says. We all groan. "Don't remind us." Cam and I say together. We all go to our own beds and lay down. "Night guys." I say. "Night." They call. I sigh and soon fall asleep.
Next day
Rubbing my head I head to class. We just left from third class. I'm so tired and it's only fourth period. I really hope this class goes by fast. Then again it is CoveOps with our new teacher Mr. Solomon. We go to the mirror, it is actually a secret elevator but hidden from any visitors, and wait for it to slide open. We then get on to the elevator. The four of us us go down to sublevel one and head to our class. "This should be fun." Bex says. I raise an eyebrow at her. "You realize what this class is and who our teacher is right?" I ask. She smiles. "That's why it will be fun." She says. I roll my eyes. "You are an idiot." I say. She hits me in the head as we walk into the classroom. Only the odd thing is Solomon isn't here. "That's odd. Normally the teacher is the first in the classroom." Cam says. "Yeah. It is traditional." I say. We take our seats all together. "Where is the teacher?" A girl asks. "Yeah. Shouldn't he be here?" Tina asks. "He should." Cam says. We sit here unsure of this. This is not helping his image. Me, Cam, Bex, and Liz share a look. "Sorry for being late ladies. Had a little mix up." Solomon says walking in. He studies each one of us. "Now what is the most important thing about spy life?" He asks. "Always blend in." We answer. "What do spies never do?" He asks. "Stand out." We say. "And what is the purpose of being a spy?" He asks. No one answers so I speak up. "To protect those who can't protect themselves and to keep our country safe." I answer. "Correct. You all should know that by now. If not you should not even bother to return. Learn it or you will fail at being a spy." He says. He looks at each and everyone of us. "Can anyone tell me what mood I'm in?" He asks. Not one girl in the room responds. "No one? Okay tell me this. How old am I?" He asks. "You look to be in your mid fortys." I answer. He raises an eyebrow. "Very good. Can you answer the other question or do you not know?" He asks. I study him. "It seems you are slightly calm but also disappointed." I answer. He nods. "Well then. Out of thirteen girls you are the only one to notice these things. That means at least one of you may go on to sublevel two next year. As for the rest of you, it is not curtain. You are brilliant ladies but stupid as well. If you can't study someone's movements, expressions, and attitude to decide their mood then you aren't ready for sublevel two. CoveOps is about survival. If you can't learn to notice every little detail you will end up getting yourselves killed. If you aren't paying attention and focused you will end up dead." He says. He walks back and forth. "This may be my first year actually teaching but that means nothing. I have been a CIA agent for eighteen years. I know what I'm doing and talking about. I have come close to death more times in my life then any of you in this room will experience for years. You will listen and learn or you can ignore my lessons and end up getting yourself killed. Is that understood?" He asks. "Yes sir!" We all say at once. "Good. Now watch this clip and don't let one thing go unnoticed." He says. He turns the lights out and a video is projected onto the wall in front of us. I watch as a girl fights with her trainer. They fight hard and end up both hurt. It is surprising how good they are. What surprises me even more is that one of them looks like someone I've seen before. Who? I can't see it to well to know who. I study them and try to figure it out. Suddenly more people come walking up. The two stop fighting and stand back to back. "Who are you? What do you want?" The one woman asks. "Your child." The new woman says. The younger woman looks worried. "Leave." The older woman says. "Not without the child. Attack them." The other says. The two are attacked and they fight back. I watch in complete shocked as the new people try to knock the two unconscious. That's when I realize who it is. My eyes grow wide and my heart races. I watch as the two fight for the life of a child.
Slight difference between this story and Ally Carter's books. Some will be close to the original story. Enjoy. Comment what you think, vote if you want.
Started: 9/9/2018

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