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Next day
The whole school knows about the mission and my success. Several have congratulated me on defeating Solomon and mama. Today is Saturday so we don't have class. Me and my friends are headed to Mama's office. She wanted to see us for some reason. As we walk in Solomon is there. Me and the others share a look. "You asked for us mom?" Cam asks. "Yes. Come in. Close the door." She says. Bex shuts the door. "Mama what's wrong?" I ask. "You five are going on a mission in the field." She says. My eyes widen. "What? Why us?" Liz asks. "Because you worked excellent as a team and fooled us about the comms units you used. You was able to hide them well." Solomon says. "What's the mission?" Cam asks. "You are to protect a girl named Daisy. She is an orphan in an orphanage a few towns over. The orphan owner knows about our academy for she graduated from here but is to old now to protect her that well. You five will be undercover as orphans for a few days." Mama says. "What? Macey's face is everywhere. She will be recognized." Bex says. "That's where I come in handy. I will make Macey unreconcilable." Solomon says. Mama walks over and looks at each of us. "You must be careful girls. You can't let anything get past you. Nothing at all." She says. "We will be careful ma'am." Liz says. She smiles and looks at me. She reaches out and brushes my hair back. She signs as she looks at the spot my scar is and traces it with her finger. I look away from her knowing what's going through her mind. "Come back to us. You are all family." She says. "We will." Cam says. "I love you both." She says pulling me and Cam close. She kisses our heads and sighs. "We love you too." We say. Solomon leads us out and to sublevel one. He takes us to a room with clothes and all. He has us pick some and get changed. After changing he gives Macey a make over. Once he is finished he leads us to a passageway. He gets in a van/SUV like vehicle. We sit in the back while he drives. He briefs us and explains the mission fully. I sit here looking out the window. My mind goes to the look on Mama's face when she traced her finger on my scar. "Cal what's wrong?" Liz asks. "Nothing Liz." I lie. "We know you what is it?" Bex asks. I don't respond and stay quiet. The ride goes quiet and we just sit here. Images of the video goes through my mind again. Everything that happened, the blood running down my neck, the fear in mama when she saw me in danger, everything. I really wish everything was okay. I want everything to be okay for once. I'm not entirely sure how long we ride for before we stop. "We are here girls." Solomon says. He gets out and we follow. "Remember to not let anyone know why you are here. The owner knows but her alone. Be careful." He says. "We will Mr. Solomon." We say. We go inside and he talks to a woman. She smiles kindly and leads us further into the orphanage while he leaves. "Welcome to the Spade Orphanage. I am Mrs. Fin the owner. I'm so glad you are going to be joining us." She cheerfully says. "Nice to meet you. I am Cameron Morgan. I go by Cammie or Cam." Cam says. "Rebecca Baxter. Bex is fine though." "Elizabeth Sutton. I go by Liz." The other two say. She turns to Macey. "I am June Halton." Macey says. She then looks at me. "And what's your name?" She asks. "Callie Morgan." I say. She smiles sadly and cups my cheek. "It is nice to meet you finally. Your mother has told me about you two." She says. My eyes widen. She knows mama? "Anyway right this way. There is only one room for sleeping. It is kind of like a large bedroom. It has twenty beds and is big enough for twenty-five people." She says. "So we will bunk with the other orphans?" Cam asks. "Correct. That way no one suspects anything. Mr. Solomon told me you five are some of the best students at the academy. I hope you don't let me down." She says. "We won't ma'am. We will do everything we can to complete our mission and keep the girl safe." Bex says. "Good. I am glad to hear." She says. She opens a door and ten heads turn towards us. "Wow new orphans!" A girl happily says. She runs over smiling. "Hi I'm Lillian." She says with a bright smile. "Lillian this is Cam, Liz, Bex, June, and Callie. They are going to be staying her a little while." Mrs. Fin says. "Welcome to our family!" The girl excitedly says. "Well someone is a lot more welcoming then someone we know." Macey says. I narrow my eyes at her. "Zip it." I warn. She puts her hands up in defense. "Come on. You need to meet the others!" She says. She drags us over to the other girls and introduces everyone.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2019 ⏰

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