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Suddenly there is crying from a baby. A man comes walking carrying a small newborn baby. "No!" The younger woman cries out. Only as she tries to save her baby the baby is tossed to the other woman. She laughs as she backs away. "Say goodbye to your daughter." She says. Only the woman attacks her and the baby is tossed into the air. The woman knocks the stranger away and barely catches her daughter. Only blood is on the babies neck and close to her ear. I reach up and touch the scar I have that runs from the top of my ear down to the base of my neck. The video ends and the lights come back on. "So tell me what happened in this video." Solomon says. A hand goes up but I don't pay attention to who it is. "Yes?" He asks. "A woman was protecting her newborn child that was about to be kidnapped." Kim says. "Correct. It was a spy and her mentor. They were training only to be attacked. Did anything happen to the baby?" He asks. No one says anything. "Miss Morgan?" He calls. "Which one?" Cam asks. "Callie." He answers. I look up to meet his eyes. "Yes sir?" I ask. He crosses his arms. "Did you see anything wrong with the child? Did you notice anything out of the ordinary?" He asks. I grit my teeth. "The baby was injured. It had a cut running down the side of it's face down its neck." I answer. He has a look in his eyes. "Correct." He says. "Wait I never noticed that." Someone says. He backs up the video and zooms in. "You have to pay close attention ladies. If you was on a mission and missed a small detail similar to this then you could wind up dead. Like I said don't let anything go unnoticed." He says. He keeps his eyes on me. Class ends and everyone gets up. "Callie stay." Solomon says as I get to the door. I freeze and Cam looks worried. "Cameron you may go. I only need Callie to stay." He says. She gives me a look to be careful but leaves. I turn and look at my teacher. "Did I do something wrong?" I ask. He leans against his desk studying me. He pushes off his desk and comes closer. I tense up as he reaches towards me. He then moves my hair to reveal my scar. "So you remember it?" He asks. I grit my teeth and look down. "Where did you get the video? Mama said there was nothing left from that night." I ask. "I am an ex CIA agent Callie. I have connections." He says. I ball my fist up. "Who are you? How do you know my mama?" I ask. "I worked with her at the CIA. We have gone on missions together for years. That's not why I asked you to stay. I want to talk about the video." He says. I look up at him. "No offense but I don't." I say. He raises an eyebrow. "Well how about we will. I saw your reaction when you realized it was your mother. I saw the way everything hit you." He says. I narrow my eyes. "My emotions are none of your business. You may be a spy but it doesn't mean you have to go into my personal life." I say. He goes to say something but I turn to leave. "You can't hide from it Callie. You will never be able to to hide from your past." He says. I growl and stomp out. I head to the elevator and go up to the foyer. Only code red is going off. "About time I find you." Madame Dabney says. She drags me down the hall. I'm so confused I stay quiet. She drags me to the front doors and outside. Mama, Bex, and Cam are standing there. "Thank you Madame Dabney." Mama says. She nods and leaves. "Where was you?" She asks. "Mr. Solomon held me after class. I'm sorry." I say. She sighs. "It is okay." She says. A man comes walking over. "Mrs. Morgan?" He asks. "That would be me." Mama says. "I am glad to meet you. Thank you for allowing my daughter to join the school even though we were late in getting here." He says. "We could always use more brilliant young ladies. Our school will welcome her warmly." Mama says. He smiles as they shake hands. He turns and nods. A woman steps from the car and then a girl our age. I study her and internally groan. By her looks she is going to be the snobby and a brat. She comes this way walking with an attitude. "Welcome Miss McHenry. We are thrilled to have you joining us." Mama says. Her father looks at us. "And who are these three?" He asks. "Oh my bad. This is Rebecca Baxter, Cameron Morgan, and Callie Morgan. They will be Macey's roommates." Mama says. Wait what? We have to be roommates with this snobby rich girl? "Why don't you come inside." Mama says. She leads us inside and leads the tour around the school. She leaves out the true facts and gives fake information on the school. Macey's parents seem to believe her about everything. Just as we finish the tour Solomon walks up. I narrow my eyes but only for a slight second. "Mrs. Morgan I need to speak with you whenever you have free time." He says. I swear he looked at me from the corner of his eyes as he said it. "Okay. I should be done in about an hour or so. Meet me in my office then." She says. He nods. "Yes ma'am." He says. He then walks away. Mama turns to us. "Girls why don't you show Macey to your dorm." She says. "Yes ma'am." Cam says. Mama and Macey's parents head away. I watch where Solomon walked off to. "Hey Cal you coming?" Cam asks. I snap out of my daze and follow them. We get to our room and Macey looks unimpressed. "Well then. Not much of a room." She groans. "Really? It is the best room ever." Bex says. "Whatever." Macey says. I sit down on my bed and grab an old book. Macey sees it and looks shocked. "You can read Portuguese?" She asks. I don't respond. "Um hello I'm talking to you." She hatefully says. I look up. "No I'm pretending to read it." I say sarcastically. She narrows her eyes. "Do you know who I am?" She asks. I put the book down and get up. "No and don't care." I say. "Cal what is wrong with you? You are normally not so mean." Cam asks. I sigh and walk out. "Nothing is wrong Cam." I say. I head down the grand stairs only to stop seeing mama. "Where are the others?" She asks. "They are in the room." I say. She raises an eyebrow. "Is everything okay sweetie?" She asks worried. "Yes mama. Everything is good. I'm going to go see about getting a library book." I lie. She gives a small smile. "Okay." She says. I walk towards the library but once out of sight I sneak into one of the hidden doors. I walk halfway down the hidden hall and sit against the wall. I lean my head against the wall with a sigh. I trace my finger over my scar. This scar is a reminder that I'm lucky to be alive and with mama. I was so close to being taken from her as well as dying. Yes I don't remember what happened but mama and Aunt Abby told me all about it. I asked them about the scar and they told me. Not even Cam knows. She doesn't ever know about the scar.
Two Hours later
I walk through the academy watching as everything goes back to normal. Macey's parents are now gone and code red can end. "Hey Cal you okay?" Bex asks running over. I look up and give a smile. "Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" I ask. She gives me a concerned look. "You haven't been the same since before Mr. Solomon's class. What did he do when he held you after?" She asks. I shake my head. "He didn't do anything. He was talking to me about me being able to notice things more than the rest of the class." I lie. She gives me a look but pushes it away. "Okay well how about we go on to supper together." She says. "Okay." I say. We talk as we head to the Grand hall. We sit at our normal spot. Liz is already there. "Hey Liz. What you working on?" I ask. She looks up. "Project for Dr. Fibbs' class." She says. I roll my eyes. "You are always doing projects." I say. "Yeah. When will you ever rest?" Bex asks. Liz huffs. "I rest!" She whines. "I agree with Cal and Bex." Cam says sitting down. "Thank you for the support." Liz says. "Hey Callie how much trouble did you get in with Mr. Solomon?" Tina asks. I look over at her. "What? I didn't get in trouble." I say. "But he held you after class." Kim says. I groan. "I wasn't in trouble. He was talking to me because I was able to notice things you idiots didn't notice." I say. Kim huffs. "I'm not an idiot." She whines. I simply roll my eyes. "Whatever." I say. "You want...." She says but goes quiet. The doors open and mama leads the teachers in. Our eyes meet and she looks away. She seems to be hurt about something. "What was that look for?" Bex whispers to me. "I don't know." I whisper. "Today was first day for classes and over all went great. I am proud of each and every one of you. Especially our newest students. You have learned the layout of the academy and made it to each of your classes. I believe this year will be our greatest year yet." Mama says. A few girls whisper in agreement. She talks a bit more then we all eat. As we eat we talk and laugh. "Hey Cal you think you will be able to finally beat me in P&E?" A girl asks. I laugh slightly. "You realize I've been training all summer right." I say. "Training?" Macey asks. We look at her. "You haven't figured it out yet? This isn't a normal school Macey." Bex says. "Yes the headmistress lady told me. I didn't actually believe it was true though." She says. "You can show some respect you know." I say. She narrows her eyes. "What?" She asks. I cross my arms. "Disrespect my mother and you will mess with me. She is the best spy around and doesn't have to be here but is willing to give up field work to help train the students here. You can have some decency and respect her." I say. She huffs. "I don't like you." She says. "Good for you." I say. "Callie." Mama says behind me. The whole room goes quiet. I slowly turn to see her standing there. "May I see you in my office?" She asks. "Yes ma'am." I say dropping my head. "Good luck." Liz says. I give her a hateful look and get up. All eyes watch as I follow my mother from the grand hall. She leads me to her office and has me sit on the couch. "First off you need to be nice to our new student. Her parents are of high status and she can tell them our school is no a good learning environment and we can be shut down." She says. I keep my eyes on the floor. "Sorry mama." I say. She walks over and stands in front of me. "Good. Now Mr. Solomon talked to me earlier." She says. I tense up. Oh no not good. Not good at all.

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