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"Good. Now Mr. Solomon talked to me earlier." She says. I tense up. Oh no not good. Not good at all.

I keep my head down to scared to look up. "Do you have anything to say about snapping at a teacher?" She asks. "No ma'am." I say. She sighs and sits next to me. "I know it is a lot on you knowing about that but you got to control your anger. Cal you can't take it out on him. Mr. Solomon is a good man." She says. I look at her. "It still hurts mama. The scar doesn't hurt but the memory does. I may have been a baby but from watching the video a few years ago and you and Aunt Abby telling me about it all." I say. She hugs me. "I understand. It hurts me too. I almost lost you that day. That is something no mother wants." She says. I lean against her and relax. "I know mama." I say. "Promise me something." She says. I look up at her. "What?" I ask. "Promise me you will start being nicer to Mr. Solomon. He is only teaching you and the others how to be better spies." She says. I smile. "Okay mama." I say. What she doesn't know is our secret investigation into who he is. "Go on and join Cammie and  your friends." She says. I hug her and leave her office. Just as I get up the grand stairs I see Bex. "Hey Bex." I say. She turns with a smile. "Come on Liz is waiting." She says. I run over and we go to our room. Liz, Cam, and Macey are all there. "What did mom want?" Cam asks. "Told me to be nicer to Macey." I say. She nods. "Okay well we have more important matters. I've found information on Solomon." Liz says. Bex and I walk over. We sit beside her. "So he was telling the truth about being in the CIA for eighteen years. Most of his files are classified but I will be able to hack into them with a little more time. The files I have accessed so far are insane. He has been undercover in several different gangs, black market organizations, and even infiltrated a few crime organizations over seas. He has a higher skill level then most CIA agents." Liz says. "He told me that him and mama went on several missions together for the CIA whenever he held me after class." I say. "Well until we can get more information on him we have to be careful around him. Just because there is nothing yet doesn't mean he is clear of being a bad person. Keep up the good work Liz." Cam says. We get up and go to our own beds. "Wait you hacked into the CIA and looking into Mr. Solomon's personal life?" Macey asks. We look at her. "It is for a good reason." Bex says. "Like what?" She asks. "He flirted with mine and Cal's mother. We are just doing an investigation to make sure he is not someone who will end up hurting her." Cam says. "We never know if he is a member of one of the black market organizations or something. He could be a secret member of a group called The Circle of Carven or a group just as bad." I say. She goes quiet. I get up, grab clothes, and go to the bathroom to change. Once done I go to my bed and lay down.
Three days later
We get to class only to freeze. Our classmates are all in a cage. "What?" Cam asks. Solomon walks from the back of the room. "Today you are going to be tested. You five will have to find a way to free your classmates from this cage." He says. "This will be easy." Bex says. He chuckles. "Oh will it now? Did I forget to mention you can't get caught by me or the Headmistress?" He asks. We share a look. "You five head up to your room. A siren will sound whenever your classmates have been placed in the place they will be hidden at." Mama says walking up. We turn to her. "Wait what? What kind of test is this?" Liz asks. "Do you think it would be easy in the field Elizabeth?" Solomon asks. She drops her head. "No sir." She says. "Then it won't be here. This is to test your ability to work as a team. If you fail it will be bad. Luckily this is just a test and not reality. In reality if you fail you will be tortured or killed. Anything is allowed except killing. You are allowed to fight us as long as you don't try killing. Then again it's not like you could. Go to your room and wait for the siren." Solomon says. We all five run to the elevator and go up. We run to our room as fast as we can. "They have no clue just how great of a team we are." Bex says. "Yeah. I mean we are working together to spy on Solomon so." I say. "Well I'm new to this." Macey says. "Just listen to us and do as we say." Cam says. "How?" She asks. Liz pulls out the box of coms units. "Cal snuck these over the summer." Liz says. We each get one and tune them to the same frequency. "Okay now let's wait for the siren." Bex says. We stand here waiting. I start to get anxious as we wait. Then a load noise fills the air. "That's our cue." Cam says. "Let's go. Liz we will need you to come too." I say. We all leave our room but carefully. We get to the Grand stairs and pause. "Macey search up here with me. Bex, Liz search sublevel one, Cal search foyer." Cam orders. "Right." We say. We split up and head to our places. I sneak around the foyer and keep to the shadows. I hear footsteps and slip into a hidden passageway. As the footsteps come closer I hold my breath and freeze. "Don't worry it is just a test mission for one of Mr. Solomon's classes." Mama says. "So we are not being attacked or anything Headmistress?" A seventh grader asks. "No ma'am. Go to lunch." Mama says. I hear footsteps running off. Then Mama's footsteps head up the stairs. "Chameleon, The Eagle is heading your way. Be careful." I whisper into my comms unit. "Copy that Panther." Cam says. I listen for footsteps but hear none. I slip from the place I'm at and head through the main floor. As I search I find nothing. "Chameleon any luck?" I whisper. No answer. That can't be good. "Macey?" I ask. No answer. "Duchess, Bookworm the others have been captured." I whisper. They don't answer either. Oh no. This really is not good. My whole team has been taken. "Only one left to find now. This won't be to hard." Solomon says. I freeze where I am. Only his voice is coming from my ear. "Don't be so sure of that. Cal is a great spy. You won't find her." Bex says. "Wrong. We are professionals Miss Baxter. Callie is just in training." He says. I hear Cam laugh. "You realize she was raised by two spies plus our Aunt right?" She asks. I can just see him raising his eyebrow even though I'm not there. "You are her twin Cameron. If we can find you then she will be discovered soon enough." He says. "Let's go Joe. She has to be around her somewhere." Mama says. I smirk. They are not to bright at all. "Panther they just left the room. Sublevel one, door with the blue sign on it." Bex whispers. "On my way." I smirk. I here that way. I hear someone ahead and slip down another hall. I silently sneak through the academy towards one of the elevators. I enter it and go down. When I reach sublevel one I slip from the elevator. "I will stay here. You head to the elevators Joe. She will most likely be down soon." Mama says ahead. I hear footsteps coming and slip into a corner. He coming walking by and I smirk as he doesn't even see me. I take my opportunity and attack him. He turns shocked but I am to quick. He tries to block my attack but i manage to hit him in the right spot and he falls. I smirk and stand up straight. "I'd be easy huh?" I ask. I hear mama not to far away and slowly head that way. I get to the bend in the hall and pause. I peak around to see her not far away. She is walking in the opposite way and away from the door. As she turns down another hall I make my move. I sneak down the hall and into the room. "Callie!" Tina says shocked. "Shhh!" I say. Only it is to late. I hear mama coming so I quickly moveto the door. I stand behind it in the shadows. "What was the talking about?" Mama asks. She looks around the room but doesn't notice me. I smirk knowing we are about to win. "Nothing ma'am. I was just wishing Callie would hurry up." Tina lies. Mama crosses her arms. Her back is to me so I make my move. I quietly and quickly sneak up to her and just as I go to attack she turns and knocks me backwards. "Well impressive. I didn't expect you to get past Joe." She says. I push myself up and stand here. "I am your daughter." I say. She smirks. "That doesn't mean I'll go easy. Today we are enemies. My job is to stop you from completing your mission." She says. I shrug. "Doesn't matter. I am going to win." I say. She raises an eyebrow. "Really now?" She asks. "I took Mr. Solomon out, I can take you out." I say with confidence. Her eyes widen not expecting that. I use her distraction and attack. She blocks at ge last minute. She goes to grab my arm but I quickly spin out of the way. She throws several punches and I block repeatedly. "Come on Cal! You can win." Cam calls. "Go Cal!" Bex cheers. Soon the class is cheering for me. I throw a few punches but she blocks. "Your careless with your attacks Cal. You are unfocused and not thinking right. If this was a real fight you would be dead or taken prisoner." She says. Her words bring back the video and I look at the woman standing before me. The woman who fought hard to protect me as a baby. I see her coming at me but I can't react fast enough. She knocks me backwards and I hit the wall. I grit my teeth and stumble some. "Cal you have to focus. Clear your mind." Liz calls. Only I can't. The video plays over and over. Mama attacks and I dodge. I find myself copying her movements from the video. She seems shocked and I use this. I use her own moves against her and end up knocking her backwards. She stumbles and her eyes harden. She attacks but with a quick movement I cause her to fall and be unable to get up. I go over to the cage and unlock it. I then untie my friends that are tied beside the cage. "You did it!" Liz squeals. Everyone cheers. I walk over to mama and reach my hand out. She smiles and takes my hand. I help her up and she pats my shoulder. "Good job Cal. I'm proud of you. You fought well. Especially being distracted." She says. I smile slightly. "Come on. Let's go find Joe." She says. We leave the room and I lead them towards the elevators. He is still laying where I fought him. "Whoa!" A girl says. "How?" Mama asks. "He didn't see me." I simply say. She walks over to him and tries waking him. After a bit he finally starts to wake. She helps him up and he looks at me. "You manage to get the upper hand against me. Very impressive." He says. "Believe it or not she freed them. She fought me and surprising was able to knock me down and get past me." Mama says. He looks shocked. "Well then. You have passed the mission. Class is over." He says. Mama whispers in his ear and he looks at me. The others seem to notice this and come to my side. "Good job Cal." Liz says. "Thanks Liz. Couldn't have done it without you four." I say. "How was I any help?" Macey asks. I laugh a little. "You are always a help Macey." I say. She looks unsure of herself. We head to the elevators with our classmates. We get to the foyer and everyone rushes to the Grand Hall. We kind of missed lunch for the mission. The whole mission took about half an hour or so.

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