Chapter 14

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Balloon/Russetwings POV
The clan has been trudging on for days and to be honest I think some cats are starting to loose hope. He heard Sharpclaw complain about how they'd been wandering for days. A hiss from Rowentail made everyone freeze. "C-C-Come out! I k-know you're there!" The toms back was arched and his lips were drawn back in a snarl. The bushed rustled and our stepped a small grey tom. His pelt was fluffy and he had dark green eyes. "I'm Grasspaw!" He chirped happily. "Grasspaw!" An angry mew sounded from behind. Three more cat stepped out. One was a sleek white she-cat with like grey patches. The other was a pale ginger tom with white steak going along his back. The last one was a black tom with a single white patch on his back. "What have we told you about running off!" The she-cats mew was stern. "I found more people!" The tom chirped clearly unaware of the harsh tone in the cats mew. "The she-cat looked up before her fur bristled. "Who are you!" "We're Waveclan. My name is Nightjaw. Our former leader, Wavestar died on our journey." The black toms eyes widened. He tapped he other toms shoulder and whispered something in his ear. The pale ginger tom nodded and the black tom bounded off. The tom whispered something to the she-cat and she nodded before looking at us. "You shall stay here till out leader is here." A blue grey tom, a pale ginger tom, a black tom, and a pale grey she-cat came from the bushes. "Greetings." The jet black tom greeted. "I'm, Shadednight. Lakeclan's medicine cat." "We had a vision about you!" The blue-grey she-cat chimed in. She turned her gaze to the blue grey tom. "Please let them stay in our camp! I'm sure these are the cats!" The tom looked at the cat. "Didn't you say there were more?" Nightjaw padded forwards. "You may be talking about the other clans. One clan has decided to leave the old home with us. Two of the clans stayed." The smaller pale ginger tom looked up at the blue-grey tom. "I think they should stay, temporarily that is." The tom huffed. "Very well follow us." He turned around and the clan started following.

AAAAAAAA This took way too long to finish. If you haven't guessed the clan is BFB. It took long because I was writing down all of their names and pelts n stuff. In. Few moments after this is up I'll put the names n stuff.  I would also like to say that this book isn't planed. I just make it up as I go. With that said I might consider this book a rough draft and make a new book following along these lines but making it better.

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