Chapter 4( Hollowclan)

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          Hollowstar sat down on high ledge. The dawn patrol had just left. Soon enough, a few cats padded into camp. He jumped down from high ledge to greet them."Greeting." Hollowstar purred. "Hello,Hollowstar." Chocolate purred. "I just wanted to ask how many of you can stay for the gathering tonight?" Chocolate looked behind her. "We were all just talking about that, were all going to stay." Hollowstar lifted his tail. "Wonderful."

          Hollowstar lifted his tail, as a sign to follow. The cats spilled out of camp to head to the gathering clearing. Forestclan was already there. Hollowstar bounded forwards and jumped on the boulder."Greetings,Foreststar." Hollowstar dipped his head. Foreststar flicked his ear in acknowledgment. Soon after Waveclan poured in.Beechclan came in soon after. Beechstar let out a yowl to let the cats know the gathering had begun. "Beechclan is doing well. Prey is running well, and we have no sights of twolegs. Foreststar, you can go next." Foreststar nodded and padded forwards. "Forestclan had be-."  A yowl interrupted him. The cats looked up to see three cats standing at the top of the hollow. Cats murmured as the cats padded forward. The cat who seemed the leader jumped onto the boulder. "Who are you?" Wavestar hissed. "Yes who?" Foreststar asked, his tail lashing.  The tom padded to the front of the boulder. "Cats gathered below, I am Printer, and I am here to take back what is mine!"

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