Detention (part1)

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Taking Damien to the nurse's office was such a pain in the ass...... I didn't expect him to be so heavy. It would've been easier if I had just dragged him on the floor. After all, he did beat me up. Buuuuut I did go over board when I repeatedly punched him and knocked him out. Anyway, it's too late for regrets. Once I reached the nurse's office, I put Damien on one of the beds. The nurse wasn't actually too surprised to see Damien hurt or passed out. I guess it was something that happened often. After we both got patched up, she sent me home. Damien on the other hand had to stay until he woke up. I felt kinda bad leaving him there, but there is no way in hell I was carrying him again. So I just left and went home. I still don't know how the nurse was able to fix my rib cage, but it's best not to ask. The next day, I was headed to meet up with Brian and Oz. Sadly I was interrupted by The Coven. They told me that Principal Giant Spider was looking for me. I didn't know why, but my gut had a reeaaally bad feeling. I walked inside his office and saw Damien sitting on one of the chairs in front of his desk. He looked back and gave me a smirk. I could feel my face getting red, but I tried to avoid looking at him. I sat on the other chair and waited for PGS to arrive.

Damien- You sure pack a punch. I was out for 10 hours.

_______- You already told me that first part yesterday.*sigh* Look, you were the one that started the fight in the first place, but sorry for knocking you out. I can lose my cool sometimes...

Damien-*excited laugh* No kidding!! We should kick each other's asses more often.

_______- No thank you.......

Damien-*flirty* You'll come around eventually. *slowly slipping his tail in between her legs* And maybe I could let you have a little fun~~

_______- ......!!! *stomps on his tail*

Damien-*painful screams* AAAAHHH!!!!! FUCKING BITCH!!!!!!

I could have punched him for saying that, but PGS was entering the office through the window. Once he sat down, he looked at us with a stern look. This didn't feel good...

PGS- Do you know why you are here today?

Damien- I swear I wasn't the one that burned down the bathroom this time. Some asshole beat me to it!!

PGS- No, Damien, it's not about the burning bathrooms.

_______- I'm not entirely sure why.

PGS- Well let me refresh both your memories. Yesterday's little brawl in the Chemistry Classroom. Ring any bells?

Damien and _______- .............................. "Shit..."

PGS- I could already tell it was Damien's doing, but I never expected this from you Miss _______.

_______- I-I am so sorry! Damien was the one that--

PGS- I know he somehow provoked you, but that isn't an excuse for causing a student to black out.

_______- I swear that was an accident! I didn't mean to.

Damien- Come on, you can't deny that you felt a rush punching my face over and over and over and--

_______-*upset* Shut it, LaVey!!!

PGS- Enough!!! *deep sigh* For damage of school property and fighting in school property, you will both have 2 weeks of detention. You will both repair the classroom and pay for the damages.

_______- 2 WEEKS?!

Damien- Oh please, I've done worse.

PGS-*upset* Then let's make it 3 weeks, and you'll be cleaning the gym AND the school's bathrooms.

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