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I woke up, feeling all warm and soft. I felt someone wrap their arms around me, making me more soft. I could feel the heat creeping up on my face.

Little groans escaped from the persons mouth. I looked over to see Minho. He looked so peaceful sleeping. I don't know why, but I really wanted to kiss him. I knew I couldn't. It was one of the rules. Rule number 4: Do not sexually harass any of the members or attempt to. Sexual behavior towards them won't be accepted.

Well is kissing even considered sexual even if it's just a little peck? Well maybe not. He's not awake so he wouldn't remeber it. I leaned in very slowly. Once I got to his lips, I gently put my lips onto his, then ameditly backed away.

My face was burning, and my heart was running 100 mph. "You know I can report you for doing that." Minho wasn't sleeping. He was wide awake. This made my face burn even more, and heart race faster. "S-sorry...." Was all I could say.

"Don't worry. I won't say anything if you give me another kiss." These words shocked me. "N-no!" I replied. My heart wouldn't be able to handle it if I kissed him again. "Too bad. Guess I'll just contact my manager, and tell him to bring you back home. I'll make sure to tell my manager what happened."

He reached over for his phone. I don't want to go back home. I don't want to see my parents. I don't want to get hurt again. I felt safe here. I felt loved. I never had this feeling at home.

I began to cry. Minho looked over at me, dropped his phone, and hugged me. "Baby don't cry. I won't make you go back home. I was only saying all that because I wanted you to kiss me again. Your lips felt nice."

"You guys do realise it like 4 in the morning. If you're gonna make out, then go somewhere else. I don't want to hear it."

We looked over to see Chan staring at us. I hid my face in Minho's chest, in an attempt to not be seen by Chan.

"Good idea!" Minho said. He grabbed me, and carried me out of the room, and put me on the couch. "W-wait! Are we a-actually g-gonna do it?" I couldn't help but stutter. What if I actually did it with my idol. "No." Was the reply I got. "Well unless you want to." He continued. I lightly kicked him. "You idiot!" Was all I said.

"Can I at least have a kiss?" Minho said, while pulling me closer to him. Our bodies were touching. My face was turned away from him.

"Ew." We looked over to see Woojin looking at us. "Right in front of me? Do your stuff in the bathroom, not were everyone can fucking see you." "What do you mean 'where everyone can see us?'" I asked. "Yeah Chan made a group chat, and said for us to go to the living room." Once Woojin said that, the other members walked out. Minho still had me against his body.

"Chan why did you tell them to come here?" I asked. "Well... I kind of wanted to embarrass you guys." "WELL IT FUCKING WORKED!" Minho yelled. "Minho~ calm down." I said. "Also could you like not hold me this close." I said trying to make the situation less awkward.


"Aww~ how cute! Couples arguments." Jeongin said.

C-couple? Ugh! Now I'm blushing! "What d-do you mean?" I asked. "Oh c'mon, it's really obvious that you two like each other! Have you seen the way you stare at each other?" Seungmin stated.

"You're looking way to into this. Hyunjin would obviously want to kiss us all. He just saw me in a "helpless" state, and decided to make a move. I was just trying to play with his heart, ya know?"

Those words hurt me for some reason. I know I don't have a chance, but I'm hurt. Does he not care about my feelings? Does he not care about me?

These thoughts brought tears to my eyes. I stood up, and ran away. I ran outside of the dorm. I didn't care anymore. Minho doesn't care. He just see's me as a little toy he can have fun with.


Word count: 773

Well oof. I myself didn't expect this to happen but OH WELL! This story is as much as a surprise to you guys, as it is to me. (2 letters :3)

So I kind of know what's gonna happen in the next chapter but with how basically all the other chapters, something happens that makes me shook.

Whelp, we'll see.

Fanboys Luck - Hyunjin X Minho X Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now