In the beginning there were the Titans, monstrous beings who ruled over the world and all who inhabited it. Humans lived in constant fear of their celestial rulers and did all they could to appease them and avoid their wrath. It wasn't until the birth of the gods, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia that things began to change for the better. The young gods grew up witnessing the atrocities their parents committed and inflicted upon the humans.
After several years the gods matured and grew tired of their parents hateful and evil ways. A great war broke out amongst the gods and the titans forever known to history as the Titanomachy. With the gods reigning victorious the humans rejoiced and celebrated by erecting temples and shrines to worship their new celestial savoirs. The gods also had their own celebration and divided the heavens and earth between themselves. Zeus claimed the heavens, creating a large and beautiful kingdom for the gods called Olympus, Poseidon claimed the oceans taking care of all its creatures and providing the humans with sustenance from it, and Hades, the eldest brother, claimed the underworld.
What was once his father's domain was now his to take care of. He spent his first 100 years as king of the underworld rebuilding what his father had used to torture the souls of all humans who passed on. He first created the Asphodel Meadows for the souls who lived without committing terrible crimes. Then he created Isles of the Blessed within Elysium for righteous and pure souls. Souls transported here had the choice to remain in peace for all eternity or to be reborn into the world once more. And finally with the last of his new domain he created Tartarus, a hell for only the worst of criminals, here murderers, rapists, and other lowlifes of the human race spent eternity being punished for their crimes.
Hades spent his days judging the souls that came across the river Acheron, carefully sorting them one by one and sending them to where they belonged in the underworld. He took pride in his work and made sure he was as fair with the souls as possible.
Over the years he made friends with the inhabitants of the underworld giving each of the other celestial beings in his kingdom their own jobs and responsibilities. They respected his fairness and the care he took in judging the souls that flooded their home. The fates in particular took a liking to him and were always kind when he came to their sanctum for a visit. He brought them the finest jewels and fruits as payment for all they did to help him and the mortal world.
The years passed and Hades, no matter how many people lived with him, grew lonely. His sorrow and distance became more noticeable with each passing day. After watching their friends and master suffer in his loneliness the fates went to work spinning their threads and dipping into magic saved for the creation of gods...

A Mythical Love: Hades and Persephone's Truth
RomanceWe all know the legend of Hades and Persephone. How Hades kidnapped her. How he forced her to eat the fruit of his world. But what if I told you that was all a lie? The truth of Hades and Persephone's great love story lies in these pages. Here lies...