Her birth was cause for celebration that day, for never before had such a beautiful and pure child come into this world. Her eyes were the color of green spring fields, shining copper curls covered the top of her head, her skin the color of freshly fallen snow, and her lips as red as pomegranate seeds. To see her even once was to love her forever.
The gods gathered outside of Demeter's chamber door, awaiting the birth of her child. As soon as her first cry was heard they burst through the door, anxious to meet the newest goddess on Olympus. She was blessed with only the very best gifts, all before she could even be named. The last of the gods to present her with a gift was none other than the infamous god of the underworld, Hades. His dark presence in the room made everyone shrink back, all except for the sweet babe in Demeter's embrace. The child opened her eyes looking straight into his, he felt as if she were staring into his soul. Instantly his face softened and his body relaxed, the breath flew from his mouth and on it was the name, Persephone. Her name had been his gift to her. His arms reached for her, plucking her from her mother's loving embrace as she now rested in his strong arms against his chest. His eyes were filled with love, love as pure as the babe in his arms. His Persephone.
Years passed and Persephone grew into a beautiful young woman, her figure was one of envy putting even the most beautiful goddess of them all, Aphrodite, to shame. Her waist was trim with a full bust above and perfect round hips below. Her skin was still as white as the day she was born no matter how much time she spent outside in her garden in the sunlight. Her hair fell around her in long coppery red curls all the way down to the small of her back. Her lips so red they outshined even the reddest rose her mother brought forth on Earth. She was loved by all, and now that she was a woman she was loved even more by the men of Olympus. All vied for her affections and attention but none meant anything more to her than a friend, none that is except her secret visitor, Hades. Every afternoon she'd sneak off to her own private garden, a gift from her mother, to see him. And every afternoon there he'd be, waiting for her under a large tree, hidden by the leaves and flowers of the tree. They'd spend hours talking, he'd play even the silliest of games with her, and indulge in her every whim. She had him wrapped around her delicate white fingers.It wasn't until around her 18th birthday that things truly changed between them. He avoided touching her whenever possible, he played fewer games, and spoke less about his thoughts and feelings and instead listened and responded to her words. Finally after a few days of this she could no long stand his new found coldness towards her. "Why do you suddenly hate me so? What have I done to wrong you my Hades?" she asked softly as a few silent tears ran down her cheeks. Hades couldn't hide his shock at her questions. He hadn't realized that his distance had been causing her so much pain till now.
"Oh my sweet little Persephone you've done nothing wrong. I just, well you've grown up." He hoped his meaning got across but looking into her eyes he realized that it hadn't. "I don't feel for you the way I did when you were a child." Now she understood his words. Her stomach filled with butterflies and her heart sped up in her chest, beating against the inside of her rib cage.
"Oh Hades, tell me how you feel, please?" Her voice was laced with hope and excitement as she awaited his answer.
"How do you wish for me to feel Persephone?" His chest tightened as he tried to keep himself from hoping too much that she felt for him what he felt for her.
"Well, you know, the way a man feels for a woman..." her voice trailed off and she felt her cheeks flush with embarrassment as she practically admitted to her feelings for him.
His heart soared at her confession. "Oh Persephone! I do, truly I do. I have for some time now." He confessed to her at last. Suddenly she closed the small space between them, launching herself off the ground into his lap. Her arms wrapped around his neck as she pulled his face to her and kissed him. His body went rigid beneath her and she went to pull away but was pulled back against him as he wrapped his arms around her and tangled his hands in her hair. He relaxed now, feeling her respond to him as he kissed her back. It felt so right, like they'd been made for one another. She felt her body respond to him in ways she'd never experienced before and pulled away in her shock and embarrassment. She stood leaving Hades on the ground staring up at her with confusion. "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" he asked, pain seeping into his voice.
"No, no my Hades. I, well I just, I don't understand all these things I'm feeling. All these things you're making me feel." Her voice trembled as she tried to catch her breath and speak at the same time. Hades chuckled at her words and a small frown appeared on her face. "It's not funny Hades!" her voice was angry causing him to stop his chuckeling. He stood and took her face in his hands pulling it up towards his and kissed her softly. The heat drained from her face almost immediately and she relaxed against him.
"I'll explain everything my sweet little flower." She smiled at his adoring nickname for her. He saved that name for when he was being particularly affectionate. She once again felt those butterflies fill her stomach and her heart beat faster.
"Hades, I want you. I want to be with you. Please." her voice sent shivers down his spine.
"Anything you want, it shall be yours you only need ask for it." He spoke with such sincerity that she knew he would truly give her anything.
"Take me with you. I want to go with you, to the underworld. It shall be my home too." She smiled up at him, looking deep into his dark onyx colored eyes. He could tell her words rang true and knew that he also wanted her to be with him in the underworld. He hated to admit it but he'd been lonely down there for the past 400 years and wanted nothing more than to have her with him. He smiled at her and agreed.
"You shall go to the underworld with me. Tomorrow I shall return for you, here in our little corner. Tonight I shall make the arrangements and prepare for your arrival and you shall rest and enjoy your last night on Olympus. This time tomorrow you shall be my queen." she smiled at his words. She couldn't wait to be with her Hades, tomorrow would be the first day of their forever.

A Mythical Love: Hades and Persephone's Truth
RomanceWe all know the legend of Hades and Persephone. How Hades kidnapped her. How he forced her to eat the fruit of his world. But what if I told you that was all a lie? The truth of Hades and Persephone's great love story lies in these pages. Here lies...