Persephone woke alone, a single maroon rose and a note placed on the pillow beside her.
My Love,
I'm sorry to leave you alone this morning, I have a few things to attend to before our wedding this afternoon. Hecate will be coming to our room to help you get ready soon after you wake. I shall see you soon my sweet Flower.
Love eternally, Hades
Persephone smiled at his thoughtfulness and got out of bed to start readying herself for her wedding day. She walked into the washroom to find a large and beautiful marble bathtub. She filled it with warm water and various flower petals to make herself smell sweet for her soon to be husband. A few minutes later a quiet knock came at the door. "Come in." Persephone replied. Hecate came through the doorway of the washroom carrying fresh towels and sweet smelling bottles of liquids.
"Forgive me, I didn't realize you were already in your bath." Hecate ducked her head down to avoid looking at Persephone in her tub of petals and water.
Persephone laughed, "There's nothing to forgive." she stood from her bath and kindly took one of the towels that Hecate held out for her, wrapping herself in the soft warm material. She and Hecate walked into the bedroom to pick a gown for the ceremony. Persephone decided on a dark blood red gown that had intricately detailed black and silver beadwork across the bodice of the dress and along the hem lines. Hecate presented her with a matching black and silver robe belt for around her tiny waist then sat her down and began to brush her hair before piling it onto her head in beautiful twists. She weaved black and silver ribbons into her hair before adding a few blood red flowers. Persephone applied her face creams and a small amount of rouge to her pale cheeks before lining her eyes with a thin line of khol to darken her eyes. She turned to Hecate, satisfied with how she looked and began to rise.
"One last thing," Hecate gently pushed Persephone back down onto the stool in front of the vanity. She pulled a thing delicate silver crown from her robes and placed it on Persephone's head. Small rubies and onyxes were placed into facets in various places on the crown. Persephone gasped as Hecate placed it on her head and turned her to look at her reflection. "Now you're ready." Hecate smiled and helped Persephone up from her stool.
"Thank you Hecate. You did a beautiful job." Persephone smiled and hugged the other goddess. Hecate stiffened at the sudden contact then relaxed and patted Persephone gently on the back. Persephone pulled away, "It's almost time, we should get going." Persephone said excitedly.
Persephone and Hecate walked out the bedroom door and down the marble staircase, making their way towards the banquet hall. Hecate smiled at her soon to be queen before disappearing thru the doors of the banquet hall, leaving Persephone waiting outside.
The musicians began to play their pan flutes, lyres, bouzoukis, and lavoutos signaling everyone that the ceremony was about to begin. Persephone stepped forward just as the tall cherry wood doors opened for her. Over a hundred people lined the aisle but Persephone paid no mind to them. At the end of the aisle was a large marble altar covered in flowers and tapestries. In front of the altar stood Hades. He was mesmerizing in his long black robed, a golden crown encrusted with rubies and onyxes rested perfectly on top of his dark hair. He smiled as his eyes fell on Persephone, she looked even more ravishing in the dark colors of his world, it took all of Hades' strength to keep from running to her and hold her in his arms. Persephone smiled brilliantly at the love of her immortal life as she moved up the aisle toward him. It took an enormous amount of concentration to walk in time with the music instead of running into Hades' warm and comforting embrace.
When she finally reached him, Hades took her hands in his and the music died off. Hecate stepped forward to the altar and addressed the crowd, bidding them all to be seated, Persephone stared up into Hades' onyx eyes and felt tears of pure joy spring to her eyes as Hades stared back at her lovingly. Hecate spoke and Hades and Persephone repeated their vows to one another before walking around the altar three times. In the center of the altar was a red velvet cushion with two gold rings like tiny crowns. Hades grabbed the smallest band and slipped it on to Persephone's delicate finger before bringing her hand up to his lips and kissing the ring. Then Persephone repeated the steps, placing the ring on her beloved's finger and kissing it softly.

A Mythical Love: Hades and Persephone's Truth
RomanceWe all know the legend of Hades and Persephone. How Hades kidnapped her. How he forced her to eat the fruit of his world. But what if I told you that was all a lie? The truth of Hades and Persephone's great love story lies in these pages. Here lies...