Chapter 4- Regrets and Revenge pt. 2

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"Hey BamBam." I shuddered at the familiar voice. I looked up and saw Jungkook.

"What do you want?" I answered coldly.

"It's not what I want." He walked closer so I could see his deceiving yellow eyes. "It's what you want."

I looked at him with a slight sense of being intrigued.

"Don't you remember Jinsoo? Haven't you ever thought about.... Retaliation?" He grinned and his eyes glowed.

I froze on the spot.


I've been bullied for two years now. I have always wondered if I could give Jinsoo what he deserved for the pain and suffering he's caused.

"Yeah," just thinking about it made my blood boil, "I have." I did my best to hide the anger that was swelling in my body.

But somewhere deep inside me didn't want to retaliate. Thinking about what the consequences be if I ever did retaliate. It was a quiet voice in my head.

A voice that told me that this wasn't the right thing to do. Against all my morals, I ignored it.

"I can help you get rid of that bully of yours." I nodded. "Open your hands." I placed my hands in his, palms up. He put a small mirror in my hands. "Use this."

"What will it do?"

Jungkook gave a sly smile, his eyes with an evil glint. "You'll find out when you get your revenge on Jinsoo."

Just hearing his name wanted me to gouge his eyes out.

No, the voice told me. It's not right. You don't need to do this.

I shook my head and came back to reality. This is what I really wanted. What I truly wanted.


"Hey Jungkook, I've always wondered why your eyes turn yellow."

"Oh, it just means you're using your ultimate powers. You can do it. Look in the mirror."

I looked into the mirror and saw my eyes glowing just like Jungkook's but it was pink.

"When your eyes glow it helps you to use more of your superpowers. I bet your friends can't even do that." I nodded slowly. "It's cause they're weak. Why do you hang out with them anyways?"

I looked down and slowly shrugged. "It's because they're my close friends."

The only friends I've ever had...

"Those friends of yours are just a nuisance. Do they even appreciate how strong you really are?"

I looked up. I saw pity and sorrow in his eyes. As if he knew the burden and hardships I went through.

I shook my head, the voice was getting stronger.

He's lying. Don't listen to him. You don't truly want this.

"But they always have my back when times got rough. They're like my family."

He sighed. He glared at me. His yellow orbs were so deep and captivating; I could no longer look away from them. I felt hypnotized looking into his eyes.

"I want you to steal your friends' auras using this mirror. Think of my name when you're alone with one of them. I'll come back to retrieve the mirror. So you got that, best friend?"

In a trance, I nodded. He patted my shoulder and nodded, his eyes glowing one last time.

"Good. See you later, Bammie~!"


"So, were you able to do it?"

"Yep. I coaxed– Er, hypnotized him, to do our dirty work. Once as he captures their superpowers, we'll take his aura and the mirror."

"You make it sound easy."

"Nothing for you is easy."

"Okay so what if I'm frickin' lazy all the time? You got a problem with that?"

"Whoa, whoa, easy there. You don't have to get all pissy, okay?"

"It's hard not to when your 'comrades' fail countless times to get six fucking superpowers."

"Fine. Fine. I'm sorry! Turtleface..."

"What was that!?!"


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