22. In-law

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Beam hold his brother hand tight. He look around, find familiarity between his house, GrandMom's house and this big house. Both his grandmother and this house are big as he feel tired to walk around it with his small feets. The living room and kitchen perfect as his grandmother’s, sure the owner love to cook like his grandmother and they have big family like Beam and Kit as their dining table as long as his.

But, what attract Beam more is their garden, it has beautiful and colourful flowers and it so big. There is small pavilion and fountain, the grass look soft and inviting him. Kit keep tugging his sleeve asking him to look at the big garden in front of them.

“I will bring snacks and drinks from the kitchen. Why not Yo bring our big brother Beam and excited Kit to that small house at the garden and play among yourself there” soft voice suggest to three boys beside her.

“Can we, P'?” Kit shinning eyes asking when he hear he can play at beautiful garden while waiting for his Daddy and Papa.

“It is true Grand Mother? Can we play at the garden while waiting for Daddy?” Beam politely ask with his low voice.

“Of course, this is your house too, maybe not today but in future. Feel free to go anywhere but inform Yo so he can help” kind heart women P'Yo call grandmother permit Beam and Kit. The twin know this is their Papa's family house and his father come here to get blessing from Yo's grandfather. Beam and Kit see him briefly, he smile to Yo, Beam and Kit and kiss Yo after make small greetings. Yo has introduce three of them and Beam and Kit as been teach by his parents, Wai to kind looking old men.

‘Remember to behave and act kind to P'Yo grandparent, both of them is PapaArthit's parent. Soon, they will be Beam and Kit's family too. Daddy must have their blessing if we want Papa to marry Daddy. So, Beam and Kit must help Daddy to tackle their hearts and accepting us. Can you?’ Kongpop ask his boys before they visiting Arthit's family house. Both boys nod and seal their promise to charming TheRojnapat with picky promise.

“P's garden is so beautiful. The breeze make Kit want to sleep. Kit like to sit here and play forever. Grandmother biscuits also delicious. Thank you, P' Yo” Kit thank the older kid as he help Kit with his play. Yo is left with them as his grandmother join his grandfather to see HisDaddy and HisPapa. Beam nod agree. He love this house and people inside it. They welcome Beam, his Daddy and Kit with smile and kind words. Yo's mother and father praise them as cute and behave boys which make Beam proud. He wish to be part of this family especially with his big brother Yo.

“It’s okay, Kit. Beside Uncle Arthit will scold P' if both of you are not attended well. He is so scary when he mad” Yo tell them as he try to mimic Arthit's angry face. His forehead wrinkle, his eyes become big and his cheeks redder just like furious Arthit. Both twin nod and agree, his papa is an ugly men when he is mad.

“Will P' grandfather like Daddy? Beam want he to like us. We are good boys” Beam ask Yo. He afraid his Daddy will be rejected. After all, his Daddy is not women and marrying a men is weird. Beside, Daddy have kids, maybe he dislike them hence Daddy will get No as answer. But, Beam believe their Daddy and Papa will not give up and continue pursue the OldMen if they fail.

“GrandPor love uncle very much. He is their beloved son, anything Uncle want he will get. Beside, GrandPor can't mad to long with UncleArthit, he  weak towards Uncle's cute act, both of you can try too. Try to act cute with GrandPor and he will love both of you quickly just like P'. Okay?” Yo ensure Beam. He sure Uncle Kongpop can success the meeting. After all, His grandfather already know about UncleKong and hisCute-Uncle obsession to Beam's Daddy. He just act like unapproved Father to test both UncleKong and UncleArthit.

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