Part 9

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Jade wasn't sure how she had managed to not throw up by this point. Sure, she had shown up at Perrie's house a week ago and managed, but this was different. Last time, Jade had just sort of wandered there in order to find some sort of comfort. This time, she had the full intention of telling Perrie exactly how she felt.

Her hands were clenching her steering wheel so that her knuckles were turning white and she was breathing erratically like she had just run a long distance. She had never felt this nervous in her entire life. She hadn't even bothered to turn on the radio because she knew she wouldn't even pay it any attention; she was so caught up in her thoughts.

Jade was trying to sort out her thoughts on the way to Perrie's so that she could say something intelligent when she was met with Perrie's gorgeous eyes. Sometimes Jade forgot how to string complete and coherent sentences once her eyes met Perrie's.

Jade realized all of her nerves were completely stupid though because she already knew how Perrie felt. If what Perrie said in the locker room the other day had been true, then Jade shouldn't be afraid of rejection.

There was still something picking at the back of Jade's mind though, but she didn't have time to question it further because she had just pulled into Perrie's driveway. She took a deep breath and decided she would just wing it. It shouldn't be that difficult. She would just lay all of her feelings out for Perrie and hopefully the blonde would forgive her.

Jade walked slowly up Perrie's driveway, too absorbed in her thoughts and the prospect of Perrie finally being hers to notice that there was one more car parked in the driveway than there normally was. Jade found herself in front of Perrie's front door and rang the doorbell.

Jade heard someone scream, "I got it!" from the other side of the door, and she could instantly tell that it was Perrie. Jade's palms began to sweat because she realized she would be face to face with the girl of her dreams any second now.

The door swung open and Perrie had a smile on her face, ready to greet whoever had been standing at the door. Her expression turned into one of shock though as she realized who was standing before her.

"Hey," Jade said shyly while giving Perrie a small wave. She wanted to slap herself because she knew she could be more confident than this.

"Jade...Hi, uhm what are you doing here?" Jade was about to answer, but another voice rang down the hallway.

"Did I just hear you say Jade," a male voice said. Jade had an idea of whose voice it could be, and the thought of Zayn being in Perrie's house right now made her blood boil.

Jade didn't have any time to say something because before she knew it, she heart footsteps and then Zayn was at Perrie's side. Jealousy was flowing through Jade's body as she saw the two standing next to one another.

"Hey Zayn, I didn't know you were here...Is this a bad time? Of course it is, I'm so silly...uhm I guess I'll swing by later," the words were tumbling out of Jade's mouth. She felt so embarrassed that she had shown up like this, ready to lay her feelings out for Perrie, and she had probably just interrupted a moment between Zayn and Perrie. "That is, if you want me to? Ugh I don't know why I keep asking these questions, of course you don't. You have Zayn. Okay, bye. See you at school. You two have fun I guess."

Jade was absolutely positive her cheeks had never been this red before in her entire life. She felt so awkward and embarrassed. She should have seen this coming really. She knew something had been going on between Zayn and Perrie; she had been trying to deny that though because she hated the thought of Perrie with anyone other than herself.

Jade was about to turn around and take the walk of shame to her car when a voice stopped her in her tracks.

"Actually, I was just about to leave," Zayn said hesitantly. Jade noticed Perrie shot Zayn a worried look.

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