- who are they? -

112 5 1

Yu Boreum

I slowly opened my eyes and later touched my face a bunch of times.

I am back at the hospital?

"But.. I thought I was in that other world or some alternate reality."

I whispered to myself and looked around again. I looked down and I was still holding the note, the others gave me. And the food they bought me.

"Wait.. seafood? Isn't that the food me and Jaemin bought a few momments ago?"

I looked inside the plastic bag, containig the seafood and there were alot. Just like the one in the other world or dream.

"I am probably just having some sleep paralysis or something."

I shook my head and slapped my face lightly. I sat up straight in my bed, but felt something snap at the back of my arm.

"Ugh, I forgot that I have these tubes still connected to me."

I sighed in frustration and tried to connect the tube back in its original place. After about 30 minutes, I heard the door shut open.

"Are you ok!?"

Chenle asked, or shouted while the others rushed to me in worry and panic.

"Did you got hurt?"

"Do you feel something somewhere?"

"What do you want?"

I was bombarded with questions and I shushed them.

"Yes, no, no and nothing"

The others sighed in relief, but still eyed me suspicously.

"It's nothing big, probably just a dream or hallucinations."

"Are you sure?"

Renjun asked, suspicously. He was the smartest out of all of us and can read our minds quite well.

"Yeah, 127%"


Renjun shrugged his shoulders and I giggled. The boys calmed down and sat down, tired.

"We thought something happened to you"

Mark said, worriedly. The others sat down and panted a little bit.

"I was about to visit you from school, since the school dissmissed us early. I heard what the nurse said and I quickly called Mark what I heard from the nurse. Mark called the others and we rushed here"

Jisung explained and I ruffled his soft hair in awe.

"Nothing happened, I am ok."

I replied with a smile. The others checked the time and it was still pretty early. We talked with eachother and we laughed along the way.

hallucinations | JaeminWhere stories live. Discover now