Youre Beautiful. (All Might)

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the gift on your bed stared back at you as your mind pondered the occasion at hand. switching your vision from the dress to your bedroom mirror, your boyfriends declare echoed in your mind.

"its our anniversary! of course id love to take you out my darling."

the sentence repeats itself as your (clr) eyes roam over the silk fabric of the (clr) dress. everything about it screamed elegant and wonderous. the type of dress that only made sense for the number one heros girlfriend to be wearing. but there was one problem, your body type.

it wasnt a secret, you were definitely on the heavier side. curves in both the right and wrong places. as well as stretch marks, and cellulite on your thighs. you hated your body, and as hard as it was to love yourself, it was even harder to lose the weight you gained. and just when youd given up on any chance of finding love, the great symbol of peace entered your life with open arms after he saved you from a horrible hostage situation.

toshi didnt care about your body at all. in fact he LOVED it! in his eyes you were perfect. on days when youd both go out, hed feed you with his own hands, and wouldnt hesitate to show his love for you to the entire world!! of course, that was in his "normal" form. in the back of your mind, you wondered if hed ever take you out as "all might."

was he ashamed of you? was his image so important to him that he didnt want to risk being seen with a "fat" girl? your anxious thoughts continued to wrack your brain as you slowly took the dress off your bed.

"i need a nap....maybe later ill feel better about all this."

you say to yourself as you hung the gift back in its rightful spot in the closet. as you crawled into your king sized matress, you convinced yourself that every little hangup in your mind was just nervousness taking advantage of you. toshinori loved you, as "all might" and as his normal self. at least, thats what helped you drift off to sleep.

"I AM HERE...!!"

the thunder of all mights booming voice shakes you out of your slumber in a deep fear. your nerves tingle as you rub your eyes and come back to reality.

"toshi!? you scared me half to death!"

you yell out as you climb out of bed. your (clr) robe barely wraps around your body as the heavy hero walks down the hall to the bedroom you both share. his mighty frame towers over yours as he gently kisses your cheek.

"im sorry, im so excited to take you out tonight!"

his laugh bellows as your stomach sinks at his words. you havent even tried on the dress he bought you yet, or even decided if you wanted to go. your earlier thoughts creep back up as he pulls you into his strong arms.

"do you need to bathe honey? i can run your water if youd like."

he asks as you smile into his strong chest. the cologne a little faded due to his hero work, but his scent amazing all the same.

"no, its fine. i took my shower earlier. go ahead."

you give him your best smile as he peers down at you. he couldnt love you anymore than he already did, yet somehow you made his heart jump at your sight.

"okay! i wont take too long, i promise."

he squeezes your plump body just once more before he lets you go, taking his tuxedo from the closet and heading to the bathroom. you feel yourself sulk as you opened the closet door, the dress is the most vibrant item in your wardrobe.

" IS our anniversary. i shouldnt complain."

in a painful attempt to uplift your spirits, you stand in your full body mirror stripping yourself of the robe. your breasts arent as perky as the women you see on TV, and your round belly nearly covers your underwear as you run your fingers over the marks that line it.

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