Chapter 4: Little Joke, Big Dilemma

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Night fall over a forest far from man made lighting is unlike anything you'll see in the concrete jungle of society. The sky is in control now. The stars twinkle brighter, the crickets chirp louder and the nostalgia of the moment becomes greater for the beholder in the years to come.

Mabel and Ford set up camp in a small clearing at the foot of the mountain. The climb would not take them long and in theory they could make it by dawn there. But Ford knew the woods of Oregon just as well as he knew the multiverse. Night time was the time predators lurked around, and the last thing he needed was another confrontation with a bear.

The two settled in for the night, pitching the tents and roasting smores over a campfire while telling each other stories.

"And that was how I fought off a whole fleet of attack planes with just a hand gun in the sky dimension" said Ford.

"Wow. I never knew that many planes could fly so close to each other," said Mabel. "It sort of reminds me of an adventure me and Dipper once had as kids."

"Oh, now this I gotta here. A Mabel Pines tale" said Ford.

Mabel laughed. She having so much fun hanging out with Ford. At last they were bonding.

"Well it happened a while ago. Back when me and Dipper were like five or six maybe. We were going on a trip to and were in the waiting area as our flight was waiting to depart. Dad was asleep and mom had to go to the bathroom. She told me and Dipper to stay put with him until she got back. But Dipper of course had to got watch the planes taxing around. Did you know he has a thing for planes? Kind of like a lesser known passion of his," Mabel said.

"I can't blame him. Flight is indeed one of humanity's greatest achievements" said Ford.

"We were both watching them from different windows for so long that we kind of got lost in the terminal. Dipper started to panic and was about to cry. Thankfully, I remembered seeing this coffee shop nearby to where we were. I told Dipper to follow me and we made it back to dad before mom even returned. Both of them still don't know that we both got lost in the airport for a while," said Mabel.

Ford smiled, "I bet you two were relieved seeing your father again," said Ford.

"Oh, we were. Dipper was all teary eyed and stuff. But then that's what I'd expect from him. He is my, "little" brother after all," Mabel said jokingly.

She always loved to joke about how she was 5 minutes older then Dipper. It annoyed him but he knew Mabel was all fun and games about it. They always joked about it and Dipper never got annoyed by it because he always had his straight A report cards to fight back with.

Ford on the other was not like that. Although he like Mabel was born before Stan was, he never in his life had ever teased him about that. To him a difference in age by a few minutes was not something to be proud of. Hearing Mabel say that made something inside him snap.

"So what," he said bitterly.

Mabel looked up from roasting her smore, "what do mean Grunkle Ford?"

"So what if Dipper is younger then you," he replied.

"Well, I mean, in a way, I'm older then him so...."

"So what if he's younger then you by a few minutes? I don't see Dipper bragging about being smarter then you in almost everything," shouted Ford.

Mabel was taken a back by this, "Gru...Grunkle Ford," she said nervously.

"No, no, I just don't get how such a small thing like that gives you a reason to brag. I mean Dipper would not say that! He never talks to me about things you're better at then him and I certainly never hear him brag about being more maturate then you."

Mabel was getting more nervous. She had never seen Ford so angry, at her especially, "I...I'm sorry Grunkle Ford but I don't get..."

"Of course you don't get it. You don't get anything I do. You probably don't even get the full extent of this disease we've all been infected with. The only reason I wanted to bring you on that trip with me and Dipper was cause he kept begging me to! And now here I am having to listen to you brag about such a pointless thing when it could be me and Dipper here! But no, I'm stuck with you. Why couldn't you have been the one who never got that last shot!" he yelled.

Mabel was now in tears. She was speechless. Ford did not want her here and he only wanted to take her on that camping trip because Dipper had begged him. And now he wished she had been infected instead of Dipper.

Ford soon began to come to his senses. He realized his outburst towards Mabel was unjust. He had said something he shouldn't have. He looked down at her, she was on the verge of a breakdown.

"Mabel, I, uh..." but it was too late.

Mabel burst into tears. She stood up, her smore fell to the ground. She ran into her tent without even looking back.

Ford stood there, he could not believe what he had just done. He had hurt his niece over a simple joke. He felt ashamed and shocked at himself. Mabel now thought he hated her.

Infected : A Mabel and Ford bonding storyWhere stories live. Discover now