What if ulaz live p.1

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Before ulaz could go into the mouth, Keith had sent a message with his mind to red and red came out and move ulaz aside and blast into the robeast mouth then got ulaz and went back to the castle. Everyone expect for Keith who was left standing in the bridge went running to the hanger there was ulaz. 

"Why did you save me" asked ulaz 

"Don't ask us, ask Keith wait where is he" said lance 

"We can ask him later we need to find out what is tracking us "said allura 

"Hmm is it true zarkon use to be the black palladian" said ulaz 

"Yes b-"said allura before coran said "your thinking he could use the black lion since the life force of the palladian is connect to the lion "

"Is that possible "ask ulaz 

"It is "said coran 

"What do we need to do "ask pidge 

"Shiro needs to strengthen his bond with black" said coran 

"Well I am starving "said hunk

"Well today it is space goo "said Coran

"Great "said everyone expect ulaz and coran 

Shiro showed ulaz everywhere when they finish hunk got coran to let him cook and it was ready, all the heads turn when Keith came in.

"What "said Keith 

"Why did you save ulaz "ask Shiro 

"Red did it herself I can care less if he died" frown Keith 

Shiro wasn't looking happy Keith knew he knew he was lying but couldn't care and finish quickly then went to the training room. After awhile he felt someone watching but finish the robot before looking to see who it was, it was ulaz 

"So you really do fight like a galra solider" said ulaz 

"Does it matter "said Keith 

"Why did you save me "asked ulaz 

"Red save you" said Keith 

"Fine lets make a bet if you win I will leave you alone "said ulaz 

"And if you win" said Keith 

"Anything I want to ask you have to answer" said ulaz 

"That is a little one side" said Keith 

"Fine same for you anything you want to ask I will answer" said ulaz 

"Your on" smile Keith 

Keith and ulaz began fighting ulaz was harder then Keith thought but still hang in there but ulaz won.

"Keith now why did you save me "said ulaz 

"Because we need your help happy" frown Keith 

"Not really but I can understand a little "said ulaz 

"Should we just head to the blades headquarters" said Keith getting up 

"Yes but Shiro has to strengthen his bond" said ulaz 

"Maybe you don't have to wait" said a voice 

They turn to see allura and the others 

"What do you mean princess" said ulaz 

"I mean red is the only one who can withstand the heat you describe and Shiro can strengthen his bond while you and Keith could get us help" said allura 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2018 ⏰

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