tracing back steps

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That happened.

Ok, if I didn't believe Sam when he said "James knows how to throw a party", now I sure as all hell do.

As if it wasn't obvious for the fucking MICROWAVE I was holding, I was so so drunk: I found out by Nat, who doesn't get so wasted as easily as I do, that it was actually her and James I was talking to, not her and Clint.

Because guess what: Clint wasn't there.
He was at the dorms, all dressed up, pissed off because I forgot we were supposed to give him a ride.

As soon as I woke up, I immediately called Sam. He laughed hard, not surprisingly. Apparently, even though he was almost as drunk as me, he was the one who drove me home; the reckless fuck. You could tell how drunk that guy was when he drove me while I was holding a microwave. Nat didn't see where I went, so she couldn't really help with my situation.

From reliable sources (James looking around to see who stole the fucking microwave from his kitchen), I found out whose microwave I was hugging. Why the fuck did I steal it in the first place??

As an apology, I tried to find him at his dorm room. Yes, the guy has an almost-mansion and a dorm room. From what it seems, he spends more time at the house (understandable) than at the dorms. His roommate, T'Challa, told me he would warn him to come pick it up. I would probably dig a hole in the ground to hide myself in, but that would make Clint more mad at me than he already was.

I don't blame him. There's a lot of people to be mad at from every single side, to be honest.

I should be mad at Sam for risking both of our lives driving here, but at the same time I feel like I shouldn't: after all, he was the reason why I didn't wake up on James' floor holding his microwave.

Clint should be mad at me, for forgetting about his ride (but that's not really a problem considering he is).

I should be mad at Natasha for getting us so drunk.

I should be mad at, most importantly, myself. For obvious reasons.

I have the worst headache of my life right now. C'mon, second week, Steve. Really?

Half an hour later, James showed up at our dorm room. Clint refused to talk to me, but I knew he'd give in some time soon.

– Uh, hi. T'Challa told me you guys had my microwave? – He said, sticking his head in the room. Barton was right: he dressed like he was from the 1900's. James was wearing a pastel red t-shirt, a beige coat on top of it and baggy jeans. If I didn't know any better, I'd think he came out of a time machine.

I started to panic. – Uh, yes. My.. my friend got me a few too many drinks. I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to steal your mi-

I was cut by his voice. – Heyy, it's okay! I get it, believe me. I've done worse. I could tell you were pretty out of your mind.

I could tell you were pretty out of your mind.

Great. Just fantastic. I embarrassed myself in front of the popular sophomore who's probably gonna tell this story to people to make them laugh.

I could not be better at parties.

I went to the back of the small room to get him his microwave, but it fell on my foot.

Fucking hell, Steve. You're fire today.

I let out a small scream in pain, it was as heavy as a box of weights. The door of the device fell off, obviously, and I immediately regretted every single choice I had made in my life.

James got down to help me, not seeming very worried about the microwave. I can't say the same.

– Fuck, I'm really sorry, I'll get you a new one, I promise! – I said, sitting down because of the pain. Clint was trying to help me too, to my surprise.

– Dude, you don't need to get me a new one! Look at your foot! – The older one practically yelled. I can see where he's coming from, it does look pretty bad.

After a few minutes of me trying to stand up, they both kept me up by my arms and dragged a very hurt Steve Rogers to the nurse's office. She looked at me with a disapproving look.

– Oh dear, what happened?

– He was trying to give this guy his microwave back because he stole it and it fell on his foot. – Clint said. Thanks for the details, Clint. Now the nurse isn't sure if she should help me or call the cops on me.

The nurse, who was named Gamora, judging by the tag on her coat, looked concerned. After a while, she deduced my foot was broken. Breaking news, really.

I finally got out of there, with a weird medical boot covering my foot and crutches to help me stand. Even still, James and Barton were trying their best to help. I stole and broke the man's microwave and he's helping me.

After we got to mine and Clint's dorm room, James stayed for a while to make sure I was okay. He then picked up the pieces of his [now dead] microwaving device and mumbled something about Tony fixing it for him as he left.

Today was a hell of a day. My roommate called Sam to update him on the situation and Sam couldn't come over (even though we didn't really need him to, but he insisted) because of something that was going on with Riley. He apologized, and after making sure I was okay, hung up.

What made the whole thing even better is: when I got to the showers, they were completely soaked and slippery because of some prank the juniors were pulling on us. I think Loki must have had a main role in this, considering the stalls had the word "Loki'd!" written all over them.

Since we didn't have showers in the suites, I considered just going to bed without a shower, when Clint told me I should ask James to shower at his place. I told him there was no way in hell that was happening: I can't break his microwave and ask to come over and shower at his house. Barton shrugged.

Around twenty minutes later, James shows up at our dorm again.

– Clint told me you needed a place to shower? I've got my car out, I can take you to my place.

I looked at him and looked back at my roommate. He smirked, mouthing the word "revenge".

I'm not gonna survive until sophomore year, that's for sure.

author's note: hi!! i felt like this chapter was more of a filler so i included the last bit, hope you like where this is going kskdjd
i apologize for any grammar mistakes/plot holes!

thanks for reading so far!!


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2018 ⏰

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