life of the party, i guess

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Ok, to start off: don't judge me.

It's not like I have a drinking problem or anything.

Let me give you some context, shall we?

[Eleven hours ago]

– Dude, I don't even know anyone there besides you, Nat and Clint. I'm just gonna be out of place. – I told Sam, seconds before he slightly punched my arm.

– C'mon, it's gonna be fun. Peggy's gonna be there too, y'know. – He tried to wink at me but failed miserably, since he can't really wink. I sighed.

– Why do you wanna set me up with her so bad? Does it really matter if I get to kiss a girl or not?

– Yes, it does. Look, man, I won't make you do anything you don't want to, but I'm encouraging you to actually do something about those fucking looks you and her keep giving each other. Not gonna lie, getting a little creepy. – Sam chuckled.

– Oh, stop it. It's not so bad.

– It's ridiculous. You're going with me, I'll pick you up at 8.

– Fine. Where's it gonna be again? – I asked, hesitant.

– At James'. I know it's not really your kind of thing, but he sure as hell knows how to throw a party.

– Okay, see ya then. – I nodded and started walking towards my dorm room.

I looked at the names written on the white boards next to the rooms in the hall as I stepped towards my own. I had only seen them a couple of times, since I literally moved in last week.

Yes, I'm a freshman and my friends are already dragging me to frat parties hosted by people I've probably seen once in my life, if not at all.

In the boards, you could read, in sloppy handwriting and vibrant marker colors:


As I got to my room, I read my own board, which said:


It was written by a boring black marker. We should change it sometime, but not now.

As I knocked on the door and got in, Barton was laying on the top of the bunk bed, reading a comic book.

– Hey, Steve. – He said, clearly distracted by whatever he was reading about. I waved at him and sat on my bed at the bottom, feeling the mattress sink. I really didn't feel like getting ready for a party.

I got up again to find some decent clothes, considering I've managed to get half of them dirty already and I haven't done laundry since I got here. I took a pair of jeans and a grey t-shirt with the words "Awake and unafraid" written on it out of my bag, which wasn't exactly accurate to how I was feeling.

– So Sam did convince you to go to James' party huh? I'm impressed. – Clint said, in a monotone voice which gave me the impression that he wasn't actually impressed by it.

– Are you going too? – I asked.

– You think I'd miss the chance of flirting with the redhead from room 02? Never. – He was referring to Nat, I guessed. They don't really know each other, even though I'm a mutual friend between them. From Nat's comments, I can tell she thinks Barton's cute too.

– Sam's picking me up at 8, want a ride?

– Yeah, sure. Thanks, man.

I set the clothes I was holding down onto my bed and sat down, before asking him:

accident in the night // stevebuckyWhere stories live. Discover now