narukiba smut

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Pure smut

About a year before the story begins

*Knock Knock Knock* Kiba started whistling while Naruto took seemingly forever to answer the door, (it had only been about 30 seconds) "Oh hey Kiba! I just got out of the shower, sorry I took a minute!" Kiba noticed he got out of the shower before Naruto even spoke, because his eyes were glued to Naruto's Crotch (he had a towel on, of course!) "Oh!" Kiba shook his head fast and looked at Naruto's face "I was wondering if... if I could sleep over tonight!" Kiba hunched over to hide his obvious hard-on. "uhh, sure, I don't see why not!" Naruto said, "But might I asky why?" "Oh" Kiba started "My mom is having her friends over tonight, and when they get drunk, well, they are really loud, and I can't sleep."  "Oh well, sure! I'm glad to help, Come over anytime, I'll leave the door unlocked." Naruto told his best friend Kiba. "Cool! Thanks! ummm... See you later!" Kiba said and ran away,

"Oh my god Akamaru! I can't believe it's happening!" "Arf?" Akamaru was confused. "I'm finally sleeping over at Naruto's house! We usually sleep here, because I have a nicer place, and stuff, but my mom and dad are always here so we cant do anything, Naruto is all alone at his house, so it'll just be me and him!" "Arf..." Akamaru was said that Kiba said "Just me and him" "Don't worry buddy! we'll train extra hard tomorrow to make up for it!" Kiba ensured his Lifelong friend and partner. "Arf Arf!"

7:00 PM

Kiba went to knock on the door, but remembered it was unlocked. So he opened the door. He didn't want to startle Naruto so he called out "Naruto! I'm here" Naruto called back, "uhh uhhh!" Meaning to say Ok, but he had a mouthful of ramen, and couldn't speak. Naruto got up from the couch and said "juf a fecon" he slurped down the last of his noodles, and said "Sorry, I had some noodles in my mouth! Welcome to, my... messy abode!" Naruto smiled and scratched his head. "Ha, Thanks Naruto, I feel welcomed! Can I put my stuff here?" Kiba said pointing to a clean spot near Naruto's front door. "Sure" said Naruto.

Like they always did, the 2 played some games, Super Ninja Bros Brawl, in particular. Anytime one of them would win, they would say "Suck My dick bitch!" or "Fuck you!" And every time, Kiba's dick would get a little harder. But enough of that, fast forward.

9:30 PM

"I'm hungry" Kiba said putting down the controller. "We could have instant ramen? It's my favorite, right next to the Ichiraku ramen." Kiba agreed so they could get to "bed" faster. they ate their ramen fast and went into Naruto's bedroom. "Sooo... Kiba, I only have one bed you know..." Kiba's hopes just dropped, to the floor. "oh I could sleep on the floor, that's fine." Kiba said Smiling "No, Kiba, I'd feel weird if I was sleeping in my bed, and you were on the floor, I'll sleep on the floor with you!" And Kiba's hopes stayed on the floor, because that's where the action would take place!

"So, one more thing Kiba, when I'm in my house, I like to sleep... Naked, it helps me sleep. Is that okay with you?" Kiba's dick was about ready to tear through his pants. "uh, sure that's fine, you know I'm like a dog, I always sleep nude, Unless you are over." Kiba wasn't sure how Naruto would feel about them both naked, sleeping next to each other. "Oh cool, I was going to ask if you wanted to sleep naked too, so we could be on the same level, but in looks like you already answered!" Naruto jokingly stripped sexually in front of Kiba, and gave him a lap dance in his boxers. They both laughed for a while. Then Kiba stripped to his boxers, and thrust his hips in Naruto's face. But, if you didn't know boxers have a little hole in the front... Guess what happens next. While Kiba was thrusting his (at this point super hard) dick started to Poke out of the hole. "woah dude! your boners popping out!" Naruto half yelled half laughed out. Kiba noticed and stuffed his tip back in his boxers. they kept doing funny borderline gay things to each other and laughing about it until midnight, when finally Kiba said "whew, I'm tired let's get into bed!" Naruto opened the closet and said "oops, I only have one blanket, But it's big enough for the both of us!" "I don't care" Kiba said,. "Get on the floor bitch!" Naruto said to Kiba. (as a joke, lol) Kiba did as "commanded". Naruto turned off the lights, and left one dim lamp on for a little light. Then He lay down next to Kiba and they both got under the blanket with him. Naruto said "Okay, I'll count to 3, on 3 take your boxers off and hold them up to show they are off!" Kiba nodded. "1, 2, 3!" Naruto and Kiba both reached under the covers and slid their boxers all the way off.

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