Rage courses through it's veins. The demon in her room, standing in the occult symbol on her floor, is shaking. It's eyes were red as it stalked slowly towards her intoxicated mother.
"STeP aWAy fRom HEr," it growls.
The Mother looks confused before laughing, spilling her alcohol laced breath into the air.
"You believe his bullshit talk that he's a girl!" She yells, giving her daughter a shove.
The girl stumbles to the ground, clutching her hair with her bloodstained hands, shards of glass still imbedded in the back of them. The demons eyes soften as it looks at the girl on the ground. It kneels down next to her, offering it's hand. The girl takes it.
The Mother is angry now, spewing curses that hold no effect over the creature of hell and it's new child. The demon leans down and whispers to the girl to cover her eyes. She listens.
The demon stands, towering seven feet tall with its horns scraping harshly against the ceiling. It reached out and wrapped it's long, sharp, black fingers around the mother's throat, lifting her high off the ground.
"I aM a fALlen ANgEl, a DEmOn, YouR DAuGhtEr is No lONgeR uNdER yOur CarE, sHe iS nOt GoINg tO sTAnd yOUr toUrTUre AnY LonGEr," the demon, a fallen angel that broke it's halo into horns to protect the ones God accepts, but God's children did not. The demon slowly crushes the mother, before dropping her dead body on the ground.
The demon tenderly lifts the girl in its arms and spreads it's blackened wings, taking her away to safety. Away from her mother, her old body, and her old life. Away to a place where she will be loved for being her.
Flash Fictions
Short Storythis is a series of flash fictions I write whenever I get writers block on a main story or if I find a really interesting prompt. these are probably gonna be really random.