The Support

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Living Land.

7. The Support.

Pepe had nightmares. It was Jass but she didn't mean to do this. She didn't even do it on purpose. She was watching Luggari. What was wrong with her. Was it that she snores or the fact that she was dancing while asleep. Jass was still confused but Maya ran in. Lugs fell on the floor and Jass - off the window. But as soon as Maya opened she saw the falling off Jass. She looked trough the window and threw a vine to Jass. She climbed up and Lugs asked:

"Were you spying on me?!"

"U-u-uh no? Just listening to your snore and watching you dance." - said Jass.

"Never mind, we have to hurry Lugs, where's Pepe?" - Luggari scratched her ears.

"He'll pop from somewhere." - said Lugs.

"Wait, you're Jass, aren't you?" - Maya looked at the character. She finally remembered her.

As you probably expected, Jass joined the team against Arazar. They went to the main room of the Inn. There was that girl that Maya found in the town. Everybody were talking that she is really good fighter most because of her skills. Sara - the girl, was with her armor on. It was really steampunk and her black hair covered most of it's parts. Sara's age was 17. Maya gently went to Darney, the owner of the Inn an asked:

"Is that the girl that is a great fighter?" - whispering.

The man nodded - "But beware, she travels trough time, which let's her teleport."

Pepe was on his way to his death. He tough of scaring Sara. Well. She could be really aggressive when disturbed.

So Luggari, as pet's owner, risked and jumped at Pepe while he was just jumping at Sara. But as soon a Luggari did that, Jass came and introduced to Sara.

"Hello, my name is Jass Overmoon."

"Hi. Mine's Sara." - said while eating.

"Would you... mind.. of joining..." - said Lugs while holding the wild monster Pepe, but Jass interrupted.

"...Of joining our team against Arazar?" - smiled Jass.

Sara started chocking. Luggari let the beast free and Pepe jumped on her back. Sara coughed a bit of chicken and said:

"Are you crazy?! Like Arazar is wild now! He is searching for a girl named Maya. Do you know what will happen if we get on his way?"

"I do know." - said Maya. - "But I created him and I know how to defeat him."

"You what?" - asked Sara.

Maya explained and Sara joined the group against Arazar. They had to go to Yemrill's rainforest. But you'll understand what's going on, on the next chapter of Living Land.

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