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"Hyung, can you just continue playing with your game?" I said.

Jin continued with his game.

Reader's Pov-

I am currently cooking myself a packet of ramen.

I eat ramen with some of the kimchi my mom sent me last weekend.

"Ha~ it feels so good to chill like this" I said while chewing my ramen and stretching my arms out.

It's quite cold tonight, but I decided to wear my shorts and an oversized sweater. Plus, it's raining very heavily.

I was about to eat another spoonful of ramen then suddenly a thunder attack, my house went black out.

"Fuck" I put the spoon down to find my phone. Luckily, the phone is just beside the bowl.

I turned onn the flashlight. I light up some candles and put them near me.

The thunder keeps getting wilder every minute. I've never been this scared of thunder.

The only people I can think of right now is Rose and Jhope. But I just remembered, Rose is going on a date with her boyfriend. I don't want to ruin things for her.

I was about to call Jhope then suddenly I remember he's busy with his mixtapes. Fuck. Kids, this is why we should make more friends.

I wait for another 5 minutes, but the thunder ain't gonna chill.

I was so scared. The electric isn't working either. My phone battery is about to die.

I am desperate. Whatever, I decided to go to Yoongi's house.

I searched for my house keys, blows the candles out and left my house.

I grabbed my umbrella and run to Yoongi's house. Luckily I remember the directions, thank god.

I was running so hard, I fell down because of the slippery roads.

I got up hurriedly because I'm scared of the thunder, it might attack me though.

I know my knees are bleeding when the rain touched them, it stings a lot, but I don't care, all I think was to make it safely in front of Yoongi's house.

-Yoongi's house-

"Helloooo! Please open the door! I'm y/n and I'm desperate for a shelter!!" I shouted while knocking on the door forcefully.

I'm all wet, oh god.

Then someone opened the door for me, it's Jungkook.

"y/n, am I right?" He asked.

"Yes" I smiled.

I went into the house. Jungkook gave me a towel and I wrapped myself in it.

"Do you want me to call Yoongi?" Jungkook asked, i think he can tell that I'm not that comfortable with him, but-

"Ha, what for? ahaha" I laugh nervously, I swear i can win the worst actress award. But the thing is , how did Jungkook know that Yoongi and I met a couple of times?

Yeah well technically we met two times but uh.

"It's okay I'll call him, wait a minute" He said while running upstairs.

Yoongi's Pov-

I am playing piano tiles on my phone while Jin is already asleep.

Then suddenly someone knocks on my door.

"Yoongi hyung, it's Jungkook".

"What do you want ha" I said lazily, by the time he already opened the door.

"There's someone waiting for you downstairs" He said.

"What do you mean by someone?" I said, again i'm too lazy to look at Jungkook.

"A guest? duh" Jungkook replied.

"Who, exactly? Stop wasting my time, i'm going to sleep in a bit" I said in a duh tone.

"y/n" Jungkook said, he smirked this kid..

I choked. "W-what, why is she here?" I tried controlling my face.

- to be continued.

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