Dear Professor

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Dear Professor,

Does it bother you that you're ten years older than me?

Have you ever thought it's wrong that you watched me fuck another person on camera for months? What do you want from me, really? All I wanted was my letter of recommendation, but now I'm stuck, aren't I? Stuck under your thumb... And your body.

From cam girl to personal whore, and all by the age of twenty-one. You've got me good, haven't you? But guess what? I can play too. Grab the polish, because I've found your skeleton, and it's time to dust. I'll see you in class.

Oh and, Ma'am? I'm not wearing any panties.

Love, Lauren

P.s. you're an asshole.

9/10 smut

4/10 fluff

5/10 drama

8/10 Story

6/10 Ending

Camren Endgame



My advice - Read it when you are horny. It's a good story with smut.

Author highregui727

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