Why Did I Get Married?

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Ongoing but then also its worth the wait while reading

A revelation of infidelity involving Lauren, weakens the already distressed marriage between her and her wife of five years. After trying constantly for years to save their marriage, Lauren gives Camila an ultimatum; either they get a divorce or go to couple's therapy. The couple struggles with the issues of love, betrayal and forgiveness as they try to move on and make their marriage work for not only themselves, but for their daughter; Isabella. The couple must now ask themselves; "Why did I get married?"

0/10 smut (Till now there is not smut in the story, and believe me i have no regret reading it. i am enjoying it 100%. Also, the writer gave us the very first kiss of the couple recently. Was it worth the wait or not. Absolutely YES.)

9/10 fluff

7/10 drama

10/10 writer

10/10 story

Camren Endgame

therapeutic relationship story

My view - Read it. Its slow story. If you cant handle that then move on to next. But I still suggest to read it.

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