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"As you all know! We have got a father in the band!" Zayn yelled and all the fans started screaming.

"Our drummer Josh has been blessed with a beautiful son!" Harry spoke shortly after.

"And he wants you guys to be the first to hear the news!" Niall yelled into the mic.

"I would like for you to come on stage Priscilla." Josh smiled taking a mic and walking to the center of the stage.

Priscilla got wide eyed and I pushed her onto the stage. She walked up the stairs and to Josh. I was holding Matthew for her and he looked so cute.

"So as u all know, Priscilla and I have a child and I just wanted to let you guys know, WE'RE HAVING ANOTHER BABY!" Josh yelled into the mic and everyone started screaming really loud. Thank god Matthew has some ear protectors or else he'd be def by 5. I could see girls crying and cheering with joy.

"And also." Josh took a box out of his pocket and got on one knee. I gasped, almost dropping Matthew. And Priscilla just put her hands over her mouth and started crying.

"Would you do me the favor of becoming my wife." He smiled taking the ring out of the box and showing her it. Priscilla's mouth was moving but no one could hear anything and Josh put the ring on her finger and go up and hugged her.

I ran out into the stage, giving Matthew to Josh and hugging Priscilla.

"Oh my god!" I cried into her ear.

"I'm getting married!" She cried harder.

"Congratulations!" I told her and walked to Josh.

"Let me say some words." I spoke in his ear and he have me the mic.

"Wow. How awesome is this! I know you all are here for a concert but all I care about right now is my best friend getting married. I really hope I don't take to long. Oh my god. Where do I start! Priscilla! You're my best friend and I couldn't be happier right now. I love you so much and Josh, if you hurt her I will hurt you 10 times harder." I smiled at him.

"Oh mate, you better believe her when she says that! She knocked out Harry in one punch!" Niall laughed and Harry laughed too.

"Yeah sorry about that Harry, you kinda deserved that. But now onto the concert!" I yelled and gave Priscilla and Josh a hug. Taking myself and Matthew off the stage.


"Thank you all for coming here tonight! Priscilla and I are very grateful for all of you." Josh smiled as he got up from his seat.

"So not too long ago I had the opportunity to video chat with Priscillla after a very long time drooling over her pictures. I thought she was so pretty but once I actually met her in person, she was the most beautiful person I had ever seen. We barely knew each other and yet we shared something so beautiful and now we have a son and a bun in the oven. I never knew that I could find someone so beautiful and down to earth. I feel like I do not deserve you but I want you all to myself. Priscilla, I cannot wait until our new baby is born and I cannot wait to see what happens to our family in the feature, I love you." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2015 ⏰

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