Part 1-The Beginning

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His eye lids fluttered, it was almost imperceptible to those who wouldn't know what it meant.He wasn't sleeping, just merely taking in the sounds and feelings around him. Clones were hard to figure out. The same faces were always staring at you continuously, but they were so different in the Force. They felt like the individuals they were. This was something that was so hard to perceive by looking at them. Anakin Skywalker's eye lids fluttered again as he concentrated harder in the force, calling on it to calm him and restore his energy. Captain Rex was close; Anakin felt him standing twenty paces away. He could tell his helmet was tucked under his arm and he was watching diligently. Rex barely left Anakin's side these days. He was always there to take orders or to give his opinion on the next battle. He was a good friend, if that is what you could call him. War sometimes made strange partnerships of those who were thrown into it not of their choice, but the choice of someone who now sat on Coruscant wondering what was going on out here. Anakin inhaled deeply. The air smelled of war. 

Here, in the hanger bay, it's where he felt most at home. The solvents and exhaust had little to no effect on him. Many people found the smells too much. Anakin thought it smelled almost as good as Padme did. "Captain Rex," Anakin called out, opening his eyes and uncrossing his legs. He watched as the clone stalked towards him. He had been right; his helmet was tucked neatly under his arm. "Do you have a report?"

Rex stopped short and saluted Anakin. It was merely procedure. The only time Rex saluted was when they were on the ship. He was always the picture of military procedure when the other clones were looking on. He was a role model of sorts. He never saluted when they were in the heat of battle though. Too easy to pick out the generals, Rex always said. Anakin smiled. He wasn't hard to pick out with a lightsaber in his hand, cutting down everyone in his path.

"There are several groups of men who will be re-joining the fleet today," Rex reported in his staccato military voice. "The shuttles are docking now, sir."

"Thank you Rex," Replied Anakin. His mind was elsewhere; somewhere, far away. "Ahsoka?"

Rex smiled. He had a soft spot for Anakin's 'little' Padawan. "She is resting," he finally responded with a chuckle. "She's a little pistol."

Anakin nodded distractedly. "That, she is," he said. "Anything else, Captain?"

"No sir," Rex answered in crisp military precision; once again he was the consummate soldier. "I was wondering if you would like to join myself and some of the 501st for dinner."

Anakin wasn't surprised. He loved his men. They were the workhorses of this war. He loved to be around them and hear what it was like to live a normal life. Well, if you could call the clones' life normal. "I would love to," Anakin smiled and they fell into stride together. "Is General Kenobi joining us?"

Rex shook his head. "It seems he has taken to eating with Cody and his men,"

Anakin smiled to himself. Obi-wan was glad to be with someone besides Anakin for once. He could regale the clones in Cody's group with tales from when he was a young Jedi. Stories Anakin had heard a million times, but wouldn't ever get tired of. Obi-wan had saved Padme and been one of the best masters in the temple. Anakin was thankful for those things.

"General," Rex getting Anakin's attention again. It seemed Anakin was always lost in thought these days. War did strange things to the mind sometimes.

"Sorry," Anakin said rubbing his chin thoughtfully. "I'm just in many different places right now."

"Should we ask Padawan Tano to join us?" Rex repeated the question. He wasn't angry. The clones knew the pressure of war and they also knew the pressure the Jedi were under. There weren't many of them to lead the clones. They were inexperienced, to say the least, in leading warriors. Many of the commanders and captains were patient with the Jedi. They were even more patient than Anakin could be at times.

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