Part 9

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Rex had walked, no stumbled, half way up what was left of the rock shaft that had been the entrance to the factory. He had Ahsoka strapped tightly against his chest as he moved. She was small and luckily he had been able to fashion a rig to carry her and still be able to use both his hands freely because he needed them to claw his way to the top.

There were just a few more steps before they cleared the debris and then he could activate the beacon, letting the cruisers know that they were in need of assistance. He could see the light even now. Rex wondered if Anakin was making his way down to the planet now. He had heard the blast, Rex knew, and would be worried when he was unable to communicate with them. In fact, he would be frantic, being as this had been Rex's idea in the first place. Rex had gathered as many troopers as were able to move and they had begun the task of leaving the factory over and hour ago. He was in the lead, moving through the broken stone with precision and purpose. Wedging fingers in a crack and getting a good foothold for his boots, before pulling himself up further.

Rex knew he had to get Ahsoka to a medical frigate and into a bacta tank as soon as possible. Her leg was wound tightly with bandages that the medic had placed there. Rex could see a brown patch wearing through where she had continued to bleed and she hadn't been conscious since he had tried to get her to move the boulder from her own leg. She was in serious condition. Luckily he could feel her breathing as he continued his climb. Breaking through into the light, he was thankful for the automatic darkening of the visor, making it easier to adjust to the light which now poured over him. He turned and helped several of the other troopers up the last few steps. Ahsoka still hung around his chest like a limp rag doll. Rex hoped that he had done no further damage in carrying her in this fashion. He's only ever carried droids this way before. Clicking through several comm channels he heard the constant static blaring back at him.

There would be no way to communicate with the cruisers other than the beacon that he carried. He never had used a beacon during this war. Of course he knew how to work it, being trained in every piece of equipment imaginable and he knew many other troops had put it to use, but this marked the first time he had activated his. His hand hovered over the button almost to depress it for fear that it would mean his failure and he resigned himself to push it, letting the signal drift into the atmosphere to be picked up by the ships that were orbiting. There was nothing to do now, but to wait and he didn't like to wait

. "Help me get her to the ground," Rex motioned to another clone who was one of the least hurt of the group. They unstrapped Ahsoka and laid her on the ground. He made sure to try and make her as comfortable as possible, although this hard rock was not all that great to lay on. They had one thermal blanket, which Rex had ordered the medic to give him because a Jedi's life was more important than any clones. He wrapped her up in it and made sure to tuck all the edges in providing a seal against the wind which was picking up. It was too late, he was pretty sure, she was already in shock, but he had to try.

Waiting was the hardest part when you were with the injured and Ahsoka was not the only injured member of their party. Several clones were nursing injuries that looked pretty severe. Unfortunately, they would be put on hold for bacta until Ahsoka and any other hurt superiors were healed. It was the lot they had drawn in life as clones.

Hopefully most of them would make it to fight another day. He was sick of losing men to hopeless activities which would never get them anywhere.

Rex's comm beeped and he tapped it. "Captain Rex here," he responded, not knowing who was on the other end.

"Captain Rex," a precise voice came through the comm. "Prepare for Evac."

"Yes sir," Rex said and then sighed. They were going to be rescued. He looked at Ahsoka and hoped that she would be alright. Somehow, he felt as though his life might depend upon it.

Anakin felt the smooth glass with his good hand and peered inside the distorting liquid which flowed inside. When had he slept? He couldn't remember again. He made a mental note to stop by the mess hall for yet another large cup of caf.

"Standing here," Obi-wan said softly approaching Anakin from behind, "won't make her heal any faster." Anakin turned to regard his former master. Obi-wan looked battle worn and just about as tired as Anakin felt. His men were in about the same shape as Anakin's and they had not been able to take the factory. As Jedi, it came as somewhat of a shock that they were not able to win. They were supposed to be above ability in warfare.

It was too bad they weren't really that well trained in it.

Anakin, in fact, couldn't really bring himself to believe it. It was surreal, making all the rest of the things in his life seem different somehow. The world had a strange hew to it and this just didn't sit right with him. He couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

"I know," Anakin sighed and wandered over to the medical table leaning up against it just for strength. "Just thought I should be here in case she could see outside the tank and somehow knew that she was alone."

"The vigil that is being kept for padawan Tano is never ending," Obi-wan said. "The members of the 501st have been in and out of here at all hours. You really should talk to your men about getting some sleep."

Anakin rubbed his eyes and noted that he could do with some sleep. "I just..." Anakin started and then stopped. He wasn't sure that Obi-wan could understand. Not that Obi-wan was unfeeling, but the way he handled things was so passionless sometimes. Obi-wan clamped him on the shoulder. "

Tell you what," he said in the fatherly tone that he had to use so often with Anakin. "I'll stay here and you go and get some sleep. I just had about two good solid hours and I'm sure that Captain Rex will be by anytime now to relieve me. The captain has a fondness for Ahsoka." Anakin nodded. He didn't want to leave, but he thought if he didn't, he might fall over from exhaustion. It would do no good for him to be so worn out when there was so much more war to fight. Keeping himself in good shape should be a top priority.

"Thank you Obi-wan," Anakin said and approached the tank once more, placing his hand on the glass again. "I'll see you later Ahsoka."

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