Part 8

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The thunk, thunk, thunk, of the bombardment almost lulled him into a false sense of security. There weren't really that many tri-fighters who were coming towards the bombers and posing a threat. A few here and there peppered Anakin's display screen as he zig-zagged left and right, keeping them from getting hot on his tail.

He was pretty sure they weren't really trying that hard either. The targeting tone beeped loudly and Anakin pulled on the trigger of the fire control releasing two laser blasts towards the fighter. It erupted in a plume of fire and sparks which showered through the atmosphere. Anakin felt satisfaction and he smiled to himself. Alone in a cockpit, he could be who he had to be and make sure to take care of those who he had been assigned to protect. He could remove from his mind those people on the ground, well underground, who were fighting the dirty part of this invasion. The part that he wished he was in the thick of right now. "Gold two," Anakin snapped on his comm. "Pull closer, there is another wave just ahead."

"Affirmative General," the voice came back through the speaker crackly and distorted. That tended to happen in the magnetic field of planets. Anakin moved to the left, letting the bomber continue its run straight through and headed at break neck speed towards the incoming fighters. It wasn't much of a fight considering there was only a handful of the enemy and he had five of his own flyers who were extremely skilled pilots. He passed through the fighters and threw his fighter into a steep climb, circling back towards the fighters with a twisting manoeuvre. Anakin never let off the thrust and could feel it pushing him into the seat. Good thing these had dampeners, or he would be completely squished flat. Letting the Force guide his hand, Anakin hovered over the first fighter's target mark. He waited for the tone and then pulled the trigger.

He was rewarded with the explosion of the fighter and another fighter straight ahead had been hit with the shrapnel from the first. It was now spiraling down through the atmosphere towards the ground.

Anakin was sure it would make spectacular mark on the planet when it finally hit, but he wouldn't get to see it from this vantage point. "Just like Podracing," Anakin said under his breath, hitting several switches. He used his rudder pedals to bring another fighter into his sights. The tone shrieked as he hesitated to pull the trigger.

"Leave some for us!" a voice crackled through the comm. A smile spread across Anakin's face and he switched on his comm.

"The rest are yours, boys," Anakin said, disengaging the target lock and neatly tucked himself back into guarding the bomber. He hated to take away from the clones what they did so well. It just felt so free to be in the cockpit, flying high above the planet. It was something he wouldn't trade for the world, although he still worried about Ahsoka and Rex. Switching to the scramble channel which Rex used during operations, Anakin listened into the traffic of the infantry which had just broken into the factory. They were deep underground fighting the Geonosians, who were known to protect most of these facilities.

"We're taking heavy fire!," a clone said, maybe Rex, but it was hard to tell being this detached from the battle. "Everyone fall back behind the blast door! We need cover!"

"Hold your ground!" a female voice said with a strength that was born from the force. That was his padawan and he was very proud. She seemed to be doing very well and was having no trouble instructing her men. It was good she was getting the experience she needed and Anakin sighed from relief. She was still alive.

 "Gold Leader," a voice broke in on the other comm. "We are at the rendezvous and will be taking on more ordinance."

"Copy that," Anakin said. "Gold four and five follow the bomber all the way in. Gold two and three, you are with me providing air support." He kicked his fighter into a tight spiral and headed towards the perimeter of the refitting area. "Make this a slow circling patrol," he commented through the comm and started his run.

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