Part 3-The Mission (2/2)

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Anakin could see that the other fighters were already looping back around to head back to the cruisers and safety. Anakin, however, hadn't had as much notice to pull up and now found himself flying straight into the middle of the swarm of droids. "Go back to the cruisers!" Anakin shouted snapping off volley after volley at the droids. "Get them out of here!"

Anakin twisted and turned, looping back on his own trajectory several times to get a better shot at some of the droids. This was an elaborate trap. There had been a lot of thought put into it. There was only one person who wanted them that badly. General Grievous.

"We won't leave you master," Ahsoka said. She started to turn her fighter towards where he continued to fight the droids now baring down on his position.

"Ahsoka," Anakin snapped. "I'll be fine. Meet you back at the ship. Now hurry." He wasn't sure how he would meet her back at the ship, but he had to say something to get her to go back. Anakin was trying to head back towards the cruisers without bringing too many of the vulture droids with him. It was proving to be a harder task than he had thought. "Rex," Anakin said coming back around to take out several more vulture droids. "Make sure to get Ahsoka back to the ship. I'm fine. I'm almost out of here."

"Affirmative General," Rex said in a plain and flat military voice. He was worried. He only used that voice in dire situations and Anakin knew it.

Pulling into a steep dive, Anakin headed towards Pelicd at a rapid pace. The planet was coming at him quickly in his viewport. He knew he could out fly the droids, but there were so many of them. He wasn't certain the odds were in his favour. Luckily, he never listened to what the odds said. Anakin skimmed through the atmosphere, hoping to get rid of another handful of droids, but they were coming after him in droves. He just had to hang on long enough for everyone else to get back the cruisers. Then he could make a quick escape and race toward the cruisers himself.

"Are you coming sir?" Rex said through the comm. "We are back and they are firing up for hyperspace. This boat is leaving so you better get on board."

"I'll be there as soon as my shore leave here is done," Anakin said chiding Rex.

"We'll be here waiting," Rex said and the comm snapped off.

Anakin punched the drive as hard as he could and the engines whined in protest. He was careening towards the cruisers at top speed and several vulture droids were hot on his tail. He juked left then right to avoid their fire. Moving up and down to try and shake them before they could lock their cannons on him. He felt the sweat trickle down the small of his back, reminding him he was in danger. "Open the hanger," Anakin said quickly. "I'm almost there." Anakin pushed his fighter further begging it for more juice. He saw the hanger bay and then heard the turbolaser batteries open up with the loud thump, thump. They helped out by picking off several of the droids pursuing him, but one was still with him. Anakin didn't slow down as he hit the lip of the hanger. When he had crossed the threshold, he powered everything down and skidded across the deck plating jarring every bone in his body and making him bite his tongue as he braced for the inevitable crash against the other wall. His fighter hit and instantly filled with collision foam. He was stuck, but not injured. This was going to be embarrassing when Rex and his men had to come and cut him out. He was sure they would have plenty of laughs at their general's expense.

"You are known for your landings," Obi-wan said through the comm a hint of amusement in his voice.

"And you're known for blowing stuff up," Anakin replied. He felt the ship jerk beneath him and knew the cruisers had gone to lightspeed. "Also, for saving your girlfriend, at last minute." 

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