Part 2-The Strategy

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Kenobi felt his former Padawan rushing to the bridge before the door opened. The swirl through the force was noticeable, as Anakin's mind began to rush through all the possibilities. Obi-wan had grown used to the states of Anakin's emotions although he preferred Anakin not have them at all. There was something about Anakin which wouldn't let him be emotionless. Maybe it was his continued attachment to the mother he had left and lost.

"Master," Anakin said as he slid into place next to his former master. He wasn't even breathing hard. Anakin knew how to use his body to the peak performance. Many workouts in the Jedi temple had made it so he was in the fittest shape possible for a Jedi. "Why the red alert?"

Obi-wan turned methodically towards the holographic display which displayed the two cruisers of the Republic in shimmering blue along with the system and all the outlying planets and moons. "This." Obi-wan pointed, stabbing his finger into the blue glow of the display. "There are two Separatist cruisers hiding behind that planet." Anakin screwed up his face and looked at the display. He didn't see anything. Maybe Obi-wan was starting to get space sickness. Being at war made people do strange things and they had been fighting rather hard lately. Maybe it was merely exhaustion which was plaguing his former master. Saying anything now would only cause trouble. Ahsoka was close by and showing any doubt in another Jedi would only cause her to doubt another Jedi. He didn't want her to doubt command when her time came.

"I don't see anything," Anakin finally said looking more closely and rubbing his chin thoughtfully. There was stubble rising there. He hadn't shaved in days. If he didn't watch out, he would start to look like Obi-wan. Anakin peered into the display and was nose to nose with the shimmering blue holograms of the two cruisers which represented the Republic. Still, he didn't even see a blip which would indicate enemy ships.

"You don't see it, but do you feel it?" Obi-wan asked looking at his former Padawan with eyes that suggested Anakin should've thought of this himself. Obi-wan was starting to lose patience, with the constant reminders he had to give Anakin. He was no longer Anakin's master, but it felt like he had to keep training him. Anakin felt the exasperation from his former master.

Anakin stopped and regarded his master carefully. He knew that look and that feeling. He'd had it cast upon him many times during their training sessions at the temple. The look indicated Obi-wan wished Anakin would just try a little harder to be more like a Jedi. He never wanted to disappoint Obi-wan, but still, Anakin was not thinking before he spoke. He didn't want to be a typical Jedi. He cleared his throat trying to smooth over what he had missed. Reaching out, eyes closed and body at rest, Anakin asked the force to tell him what was behind the planet which shone on the display. It was hard to pinpoint the droids because they were not truly alive. Yes, they had thoughts, but not like humans. They were programmed. Sometimes the force wasn't always clear about exactly where they were. So Anakin had learned to look for the space which represented nothing, a lack of anything living. Pushing around in the force, he passed the planet, in his mind, and there lying in wait were two cruisers. They were not yet moving towards the Republic ships and Anakin didn't note any warming of laser batteries or engines. "I don't think they've found us yet," Anakin said, opening his eyes and looking at Obi-wan. "They aren't moving towards us."

Obi-wan nodded thoughtfully. "Strategy?" he asked and looked at both Ahsoka and Anakin. The padawan had as much to say in this matter as anyone else, Obi-wan believed. How else would she learn to be a Jedi who could lead? He had always taught Anakin by letting him make decisions. He saw no reason to discontinue this with Anakin's padawan.

"I say we consult with Rex and Cody and see what they suggest," Anakin said. He didn't like to make such tactical decisions without asking the Captain to help guide him in the best combat information. Although Rex didn't hold all the answers, Anakin knew he wanted what was best for the men and Anakin wanted the same thing. Jedi had always been taught to seek the council of those who knew better than they did. That is where Rex came in and Anakin knew he wanted to minimize casualties and maximize the hit on the Seps. He wanted everyone to be able to go home, no matter what that meant to the individual.

"Commander Cody is already on his way to the bridge," Obi-wan stated. "I assume Rex is also on his way?"

"Yes Master," Ahsoka chimed in. She was not afraid to speak her mind in front of the older master, something Anakin admired in his padawan. Fearlessness, which he hoped would not lead to foolishness. Although, he was sure there would be many mistakes along the way. All Padawans were making mistakes at one point in their lives.

"Thank you, Padawan," Obi-wan said and then chided Anakin with a smile. He was happy to finally have something to get back at Anakin with. He had always told the Chosen One that one day he would get a Padawan and he would see what it was like. It looked like paybacks were on the way. Obi-wan raised his eyebrows in a questioning look.

"Don't ask me," Anakin said. "She has a mind of her own. Maybe we are a good pair after all." Obi-wan stifled a laugh. To say that Anakin had a mind of his own, was an understatement. The boy was stubborn beyond reproach. If you wanted Anakin to climb a wall just tell him you didn't want him to touch the wall. He'd be over it before you could blink.

It seemed Ahsoka had the same mentality. She would be a treat for Anakin as she got older. He would have grey hair before she became a Knight.

"Generals," Rex said as he approached the group of Jedi followed closely by Commander Cody. They had their helmets on and they stood board straight. Their filtered voices rang through the command centre. "What is the status?"

"It seems there are two Sep cruisers hiding behind this planet," Anakin said pointing towards the display. His finger stabbing into the hologram. "They haven't powered up or acted like they've seen us yet. Any ideas?"

Rex fiddled with the blaster on his hip. It was a nervous habit he had when he was trying to come up with an answer. Why hadn't the Seps gone hot as the Republic cruisers entered the system? "They are damaged," Rex finally said. The idea had come to him like a flash. It has something to do with the training he had received. Speed training made ideas speed into the brain. Or at least that is what he thought. Maybe he was just lucky sometimes and the generals were the ones putting the thoughts in his head. If that was the case, it gave him the creeps.

"What do you mean?" Ahsoka asked her voice growing slightly shrill.

"They are waiting for us, it's a trap." Anakin considered what Rex had said. "Commander Cody," Anakin asked looking at the replica of Rex, wearing orange highlighted Armor, who stood next to Obi-wan. "Your thoughts."

"I agree," Cody said through the helmet. "They aren't able to move or power up. Otherwise they would be hot on our tails by now. They can't manoeuvre or they are just as stupid as we thought them always to be." This comment solicited a laugh from Rex and Anakin. Anakin gave Obi-wan a wary look and stopped laughing.

"If you two are finished. I say we pay them a visit," Obi-wan said punching a button and watching the display disappear. "Let's go over and say hello."

"Yes Sir," Cody and Rex answered enthusiastically. They were always up for a chance to blow up some droids.

"You are either brilliant," Anakin said to Rex clamping him on the shoulder, "Or you are going to get us killed."

"I hope neither," Rex laughed with a wry sound to his voice.

 "I still owe you a break." Anakin laughed as he and Ahsoka jogged to catch up with Obi-wan and Cody.

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