24: Storm Season

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I was expecting my job in the café to finish at the end of the cycle but Maa called me over when I finished on Fiveday. She told me I was a good worker and that I could have a permanent job if I wanted. Not cleaning for several cycles had decided her that I was money well spent and she could afford the luxury of not getting up at 06.00 when she didn't get to bed until well gone midnight. She also told me I could have occasional relief server slots. You get to keep any tips you make. When Ben came home I told him the news

"Isn't that typical. A few cycles ago we were desperate. Now we're not and you get a permanent job without even asking."

"I know. That's fate for you." He rolled his eyes and I laughed. "I wondered about turning it down but then I thought it would be prudent to take it. I know we're planning on going in less than four turns and we could just live off my savings until then but I thought what if something prevents us? Really bad weather or other circumstances we can't foresee."

"I agree. I could give up my job but it seems sensible to keep it just in case. Life in Esperance is too uncertain to take anything for granted."

The cycles slid by without us being disturbed by officialdom except for the increasing numbers of street checks. No-one visited the square and the cameras remained satisfyingly blinded by foam. Jan helps with Mik. He has him one night a cycle so Ben and I get some private space. I had thought that our physical relationship would be on hold indefinitely once Jan was inhabiting studio 10. I like Ben's cousin, he's astute and as empathetic as Ben. Four days after he arrived he winked at us when it was Mik's bedtime and scooped him up telling him he was going to have an adventure and stay overnight with his Uncle Jan. 

Mik adores him and is getting very good at handstands and somersaults. He is also getting the hang of juggling which I most definitely am not. Sol has taken to appearing about 15.00 every afternoon and joining in. Unlike me she's quite good at juggling. I notice that Jan is also spending quite a bit of time up in her studio during the day. I found myself wondering if he'd been recruited to assist in project 'have a baby'. I debated with myself whether to say anything but Jan is old enough to take care of himself and Sol hasn't coerced him in any way. They seem genuinely attracted to each other. I mentioned it to Ben who shook his head and told me Jan hadn't had much luck in that department so let him enjoy himself while he could.

With Ben working all day and Jan unable to leave the safety of the small area by the block I was appointed shopper in chief for the supplies we need. Jan has 500 creds on cash cards since he and Con had assumed he might need them for bribes. I have most of my savings left and since scrip will be of no use in the Warrens we might as well use it before we leave. Our skins are not used to UV so Jan told me to buy long sleeve tops and long, loose trousers and to make sure they were hemp or linen because it's a lot hotter outside the City. We may be going in the coolest part of the year when the temperatures hover around the low twenties but we'll be living through summer heat as well. One set each for Ben and myself plus two for Mik from expensive Hi-Mid shops cost me nearly four hundred creds. Jan also insisted that we might as well use up some of the money on better food. When I protested about the cost he tilted his head to one side in the same way that Ben does and fluttered his eyelashes which Ben does not do

"Per, sweetie" he pouted

"Stop trying to flirt with me Jan you'll make Sol jealous." Sol was watching the exchange and scowling. Jan danced over to her

"Am I being bad?" He asked fluttering his eyelashes at her and she simply couldn't keep a straight face.

"I wouldn't say you were being bad, more like you don't know the meaning of being good."

"Of course I don't! Life is far too short to be good. Wouldn't you like some real vegetables and maybe a piece of fruit?" she looked surprised but nodded "Well help me persuade Per to stop being so responsible about money. We deserve a feast."

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