Chapter three: Back together

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It's been two days since I last saw any of my group partners except Carla she keeps coming to check on me every day I kinda enjoy her company.

School isn't all that bad I like all my classes but when it gets to sports gym or music I just hang around watching I haven't really tried anything and I don't want to.

But then the assignment hasn't been completed, it hasn't even been started yet!

I can't fail no no no no, okay I get up from my chair in my room and I get some white bed sheets and sketch pads lots of it and different things I think I can use for the painting now an setting everything up but before I can finish my door swings open who else would it be but Carla
"Hey how are you"

Carla ask before her eyes leads her to study what am doing and before I can even respond to her greeting


Oh Carla how did I ever get involved with you, but she still gives me a reason to smile a little

"Hey I caught you smiling you know you only do that once in a while but you really look pretty when you do so "

"yeah first of all am doing good as you can see, secondly am trying to finish our group assignment since we belong to a wonderful group"
Hopefully she won't miss the sarcasm added

"And thirdly I owe my smile to you, thanks"

"Okay but how do you intend on finishing it alone I can be of help since I know them a little better than you do and you know you more than anyone"

Carla says seeming pretty happy to be helping out but if this clumsy girl messes my work I will rip out her lungs!
Am just kidding that's wayyy too extreme......

Me and Carla immediately get to work she helps me arrange the paint and other stuffs she tells me about Kent Nate and Ben and I think she may have a little crush on Nate

"Do you like Nate? I ask her but before she can even respond I can see how fast her face turns red which confirms my thoughts already

"why uhmmmm how why did do you ask"

she stammers alot I can't help but laugh this time at her as she falls trips and falls down

"it's okay your secret is safe with me dear"

I tell her still trying to get myself after laughing that much it's been a while since I laughed, I know weird huh?

"So you laugh also? Since you won't tell me about you I guess I will just have to learn about you little by little "

yeah if that's possible. We did alot of work on the painting today but we haven't quite finished yet but its getting late and am tired and am sure Carla is too but we haven't eaten anything since so I order for pizza and 10 mins later it arrived, we ate together and talked a little on my bed.

I had to wait for Carla to sleep so i can take my sleeping pills I hope I don't have any of my regular nightmares tonight so I don't scare Carla.........

it's 5:00am, my alarm starts ringing and I get up and stop the alarm to see a deep sleeping Carla by my side we slept together after eating yesterday we were so tired we didn't even clear the room I get out of bed and get on to my wheelchair and move to the bathroom I brush my teeth and rinse my face then I clear out the room and resume the painting am still working on it till I noticed the sun was coming up and it was already six am so I try to wake Carla up but she is sleeping so deep. "Carla it's six we have lesson by 8:00 we can't be late, Carla, Carla!"

Oh my! What will i do with this girl , we have lectures by 8 and she is still sleeping like some one who is half dead......

I call her a couple of more times before I rolled my wheels back to the bathroom and with some water in a bowl I poured little on Carla's face and when I say little I mean alot she jumps out of the bed and lands face first on the floor.

"What did u do that for!?"

I was laughing so hard already at her reaction.

"you didn't want to wake up and we will be late for lessons if you don't start preparing. I help her up and we both get along with things get ready and leave for classes today we both have the same schedule coincidentally so we go together.

" This is difficult am sooo tired, like seriously Kels how are you not giving up yet? Oh right! You're super girl, yeah am just kidding but how cool would it be for you to have super powers. Oh and if you had one what kind of power would you like to have, I wanna be faster than the flash!!!

" Like seriously, Carla!!!

"Oops I was blabbering wasn't i, I didn't mean to, I just babble a lot when am stressed, you know like saying things that are rather useless and pointless and......

" Carla! For the love of God if you open your mouth one more time I swear to God am gonna cut your tongue off!!

Today is just not my day, after our classes today, we were free for the afternoon so we decided to spend it in my room working on the painting but unfortunately we haven't made anything awesome, we have progressed but am going for an A' but I haven't quite found what am looking for. That brings us to where we are now, Carla is just bickering and blabbing and it's making me more confused than I already am.

We hear a knock on the door, I think Carla ordered some food.
Carla goes toward the door

"Let me get that but i hope it better be food"
"What did you order?
" Huh, I thought you ordered kels?
"Nope I thought you did"
"Are you expecting anyone"
"Nope just get the door Carla"
"Okay, okay, am going"

Uhmm is it me or is that a guy's voice that sounds oddly familiar to Nate's
" Oh not just Nate also Ben, Rose and Kent all your partners" like seriously I hope Carla isn't in on this joke
"Cool room" I think Nate is trying to break the ice but my question is what the fuck are these fuckers doing here!

"Uhmm thanks, so what are you all doing here?

" No pink? Seriously, are you that boring? Oh. My. Gosh!!! Shut up, is that a real painting of Vivian Jones?

Oh no! When did Rose start snooping in my business and where the hell did she get that painting from?
" The hell Rose! Where did you get that, dont touch any of my things again, and I am damn serious if u don't wanna leave here with more than just broken legs because I will fucking rip out all the bones from your body"
I just over reacted I can feel everyone staring at me, am sure they think am crazy but right now I don't care my mind is just focused on that painting till Carla snaps me out of it and Nate tries to clear the air.

"Okay calm down Kels, you're making me scared really, are you alright?
" Am sorry I didn't mean to, am alright its just the stress that got to me that's all"

"Okay everyone relax, we need to take a chill pill, look Kelsey we did not come here to fight or cause trouble we know we  ended things on a really bad note last time but we wanna make this right. I don't know about every one but i really wanna pass this assignment as stupid as it is.
The truth is I need to pass to stay on the soccer team".

Did Nate just say something completely reasonable or is it just me, he doesn't look like a bad guy though and he really does seem like he wants to pass

" Wow what is this?
"Its the painting, Kels had already started it and am helping her also but we haven't gone quite far yet

" Its amazing! Nate declares
"Really? Carla asked Nate
" Really "
But not who I expected Ben answers he doesn't talk much but he is better than Kent i guess

"So what do you say Kelsey, can we start over again and help to complete this amazing work? Ben ask and all eyes are on me including Carla.

So peez, am soooo sowie if this chapter is again not what you expected  it may seem boring but don't expect too much at the beginning, just chill and keep reading we are getting there together, sooo sowie for the late and slow updates am kinda rili busy at this point..... So pls do me a favour n click on d star below pls vote n comment also ....... I think Nate and Carla will make a great couple cos they are kinda alike ....... Tnx 😘........ #Dagash✌

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