Chapter four: She's....... Dead

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"Come on Kels!!! this is the fifth time you have won, you know what am not playing anymore this game is so boring anyway it suites you well"
      "No no Nate you're being a bad sport just cause you lost"
    "But Carla! Its not fair I don't even understand the concept of the game, Chess stinks!
  Gosh! I can't stop laughing, its been two weeks since the guys and Rose came knocking on my door asking if I will work with them again and yes it what you're thinking, I did say yes. This past weeks haven't been all that bad, we've had arguments yes but thankfully playful ones only and we have gone far in the painting, we done a pretty amazing job if I do say so myself, getting to know each other was one of the fun moments  also the guys are pretty weird and Rose isn't all that bad, she is just well.... Insecure I guess and she has self esteem issues I guess that's why she's really mean to Carla, she picking on someone that's just like her to make her feel she isn't low but that's just low also. Well she didn't tell me all this but am good at reading people and two weeks was enough time to read her. Kent hmmm he is actually fun, I guess I was wrong about him yeah I know I said am good at reading people but am not perfect at reading them and I had not known him for that Long but Nate and Kent are complete players, Ben is the really good one among them.
  Kent is also good at painting also so we both worked together on the painting more than others really but that's because Carla is horrible and Ben also, and i wouldn't allow Nate to touch the painting because I fear he will ruin it if he even stares at it too much and Rose doesn't want to ruin her nails, well that's good enough for me.
So today, we all decided we deserve a break, the submission of the painting is on Monday and we are gonna be through tomorrow Saturday, so right now everyone's in my room and we're playing games and I have been winning especially at chess that was my favourite and still is my favourite game, I played it with my dad anytime he came home.....
  " Did you just say Chess stinks?"... If looks could kill Nate would no longer be in front of me right now
  " Well yeah, you heard me"

   "Well don't ever say that again because you won't see  the next second okay?
    " Come on momma, what ya gonna do about it "
   "Do you really wanna know the answer to that question?
      The look  I give is enough answers for him
   " you know what, am good momma. Sometime you scare me really you're mysterious and so.... I can't place the word, but we hardly know anything about you"
      "Well Nate am not surprised you can't find the word after all words don't go well with your brain but that's true Kels we don't know much about you" Ben says
I never planned on becoming close to anybody when I came here but gradually these guys are warming their way into my heart especially Carla. I hate getting close to people cause I  hurt those am close to, so I figured if am not close to any one nobody gets hurt but right now am tired of lying and hiding things, I hate lying maybe a little truth won't hurt
"Kels? Are you still there?
   Carla seems to notice I zoned out
   " Uhmm yeah am here sorry,  so wha.... What do you wanna know about "
They all seem shocked by of the fact that am really gonna open up to them, but really a little truth won't hurt
Nate raised his hand first and decides he is going first
   "Alright, let me go easy on you first, how did you learn to play chess like a pro I mean you're so damn good, I mean is it like a special talent or.....
    " Hmmm, my dad taught me when I was 5"
  I smile as I sink back a little to the little me
   "But dad was why can't I move the thing over there to kill that one" I point towards  his queen. My dad laughs and answer "Well because sweetie that's not how the game is played, there are rules in this game dear.
I shake my head at him trying to understand the rules his referring to " Rules?" Little me asks "Yes rules K-bear" my dad answers using his special nickname for me.
  "There are different pieces in chess, we have the pun, the rook, the knight, the bishop, the king, and the queen. There are two of each excluding the pawns"
   He explains by pointing at each piece and am five year old self tries to understand what what he is saying the best way I can.
    " Now K-bear to play the game, it requires a lot of brain work, sharp thinking and swift calculations, you have to checkmate the king of your opponent trap him in a way that he can't move again, is that alright?
    I nod my head and urge him to continue explaining which he does.
  "Earth to Kelsey" Carla snaps her fingers in my face to draw me out of my thoughts.
   "Yeah am here, just zoned out a bit"
   "Okay am next, uhmm tell me about your dad"
  I smile cause my dad is awesome and really special to me and I have no bad memories about him
   "Well my dad is Mr. Wesley Jones he works in the Military Army shit, he's hardly ever home but anytime he's home we always make the best out of it, I used to love my morning runs with, playing chess which he always let's me beat him, one of the best part was him teaching  me how to shoot"
  I grin reminiscing all those moments with my dad
  "The fuck!! Shoot with what?"
Nate asks and looks astonished but I don't only laugh at his expression, for someone who usually doesn't laugh at all I sure have been doing a lot of it lately.

"Shoot with guns dear"
  "Can I ask my question now?"
Ben ask "Sure yes"
  "So how many siblings do you have or are you an only child"
I can't help but burst out laughing to this question, they all look at me like I have gone crazy.

" I wish! An only child?  Wow far from it we are five. My big brother, me and my twin, then the twins. My mum didn't plan it though she wanted 3 but she had two set of twins
"Wait you're a twin?
Rose ask " Yes I am but we aren't alike in any way, she is so.... Unpredictable and crazy, she is as clumsy and talks too much as Carla and she is into clothes and shoes as you Rose"
"Wow!" Carla says, they all seem shocked by my revelation but don't say anything.
"I have a question Kelsey" Kent wants to ask me a question, how weird but okay
"Shoot" I answered back
    "Who's your mum? Say something about her"
That question caught me off guard and I felt like bursting into tears and right now am on the verge of a panic attack but am trying my best to keep my guards up, they can't see  me weak so I answer simply
   " My mum..... My mum is..... She is dead.

    Finally am through with this chapter, so sorry for the late update again, I really have a lot of work on my table. Studying isn't funny at all😞. So.... Moving on Kelsey is beginning to open up a bit and that awesome because ........ You will know later. Pls just keep reading and plsssss click on the star below and vote and also comment pls I want to know what you think about this chapter ............
Thanks, next update will be soon.😘 #Dagash✌

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