Fall Into These Arms

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        "I'm trusting you on this Jon." 

        "That's a first." He chuckles

        "So, where do I start?"

        "Well, I'd go try to work some. You're eyes didn't light up around him for nothing. You guys are going to meet again eventually rather you like it or not."

        "I guess so."

        He laughs, "Now go get back to work you slacker!"

        I roll my eyes, "Okay, okay. Talk to you later."

        "Same to you."

        I hang up and put my phone in my pocket. I pick up my briefcase then walk inside shamelessly. I see my boss stand up when he notices me. Okay, just ignore him and walk straight to your cubicle Ryan. He walks towards me. Okay, now walk a little faster Ry. Almost there.

"Mr. Ross?"

I freeze in my steps and turn around guilty. "Yes?"

"Where have you been the past five hours?"

"Um, sleeping?" I look down.

"Really? I would've expected more from you." He crosses his arms.

"Sorry, sir."

He nods towards me then walks away. I quickly head to my desk and hide behind the walls of my cubicle. God, I hate this place.

        The next five hours go by quickly and eventually it's six o'clock. I send off my last email then gather my stuff up. I head out and walk down the street and take in the nightlife of LA. Down the street you can see the beach and what looks like a bonfire party, then on my right there's a restaurant patio with live music playing. I reach the apartment building and walk up to flights of stairs then to my room. I take out my key then unlock my room. I go inside and find Captain Knots exploring a cupboard full of crackers. I laugh and leave him be. I look out my window and think about my day. I can see the world in color now plus I found my so called "soul mate" who happens to be a guy. I deserve a drink. I mean, for my first achievement I still haven't fully processed my second one.

        I start my car and back out of the parking garage. I can hear the clinking noises of old empty beer bottles in the back of my car from nights I don't remember anymore. I drive down a road that runs by the beach. Eventually, I park my car in front of a local pub.

I walk inside and find loads of men gathered around a pool table. I pass them and go straight to the bar.  

"Can I get a vodka with a sprite chaser?"

The bartender nods and gets to work. I lean back and watch the crowd of drunken men surrounding the pool table screaming and hollering. 

"They're crazy, huh?"

"Yeah. They really are." I turn back around to see who i'm talking to and sure enough it's Brendon.

"Told you we'd end up running into eachother again," He smiles. "but I didn't realize we would this soon."

I chuckle.

"But hey! At least I don't have to look like the pathetic loser who sits at the bar alone anymore."

"I guess I don't either." I laugh at how perky he is.

The bartender brings me my drink.

Brendon holds his drink up. "To friends."

"To friends." I clink my drink with his and take a sip.

        After a few more rounds, me and Brendon get up to join the giant cluster around the pool table. We laugh at the all the fools these men have made out of themselves just as one of the men punch Brendon's side.

The drunk man turns towards the rest of the crowd and points to us, "Who invited the couple over here?" Everyone around the pool table look around in confusion. "That's what I thought. Now you two get your gay asses out of here!"

Brendon's face turns bright red. "Do you know who I am?"

"A fag?"

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." Brendon looks furious.

I nudge him, "Brendon, it's fine. Let's go."

"No, it's not Ryan. I've never been called a faggot." He looks at me coldly then gets in the mans face. "Listen buddy, I can easily get you escorted out of here by that man in the corner," He points to a buff man crossing his arms watching us. "But I won't because I know you're drunk therefore you don't know what the hell you're saying."

The man laughs and points at Brendon, "Can you believe this guy?"

"Come on, Brendon." I mumble and pull Brendon out of the bar.

We walk silently down the road and end up on the beach. We take off our shoes and walk along the shoreline. I eventually break the silence by asking, "So, did you actually know that guy?"

He looks at me, "What guy?"

"The one in the corner."

"Oh, Zack? Yeah, he's my bodyguard. Well, my bands bodyguard."

"You have a band?"

"Yeah. I thought you knew. Panic! At The Disco."

"I think i've heard of you guys before." He nods.

We stop walking and sit down. We stare at the stars and just enjoy the sounds of the ocean. Brendon sighs.

"I can't believe that guy in the bar."

"You said it yourself, Brendon. He was drunk out of his mind."

"So what? He still said it! Drunk or not, he still thought we were gay!" 

"Who cares? just because one person thinks that doesn't mean the entire world population thinks that."

"Who cares? I care! Word gets around really fast here Ryan." He stands up and walks away, every once in a while kicking sand angrily.

'Soul mate' my ass Jon. Fucking Brendon's as straight as a pencil. I watch Brendon get smaller and smaller as he walks away. I'm going to go try and help.

I walk over slowly. He's sitting in a ball, shaking. He's crying. Shit, what do I do? Pat his back? No, he's not a dog. Screw it.

I sit down behind Brendon with both of my legs on either side of him and hug him. I rest my head on his back and close my eyes. I whisper, "It's okay." to him until his shaking sobs calm down. I hug him tightly then move to sit at his side. I rest my head on my knees and look at him. "That man can't decide your sexuality for you, Bren." He lifts his head to look at me, his eyes red and puffy and his lips swollen. He sniffles. His voice is quiet.

"But what if someone else did?" He rubs his nose.

"What do you mean?"

He leans towards me and crashes his lips into mine. Our lips move in sync as I hold his head in my hands. Brendon moves on top of me and pushes me back into the sand. I can taste the tears that traveled down his face. He taste salty. His tongue flicks asking for entrance. I open my mouth the slightest bit and he uses that as his chance. As he pulls away he bites my bottom lip gently and falls to my side.

"That's what I mean."


He sits up. "Sorry, I shouldn't have done that."

I chuckle and pull him back into the sand. "No, you should do that more often."

I hold him in my arms while playing connect the dots with the stars. I eventually hear Brendon snoring softly.

"Goodnight, Bren." I whisper and kiss his cheek.

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